
...the face, where expressions of mind are the strongest.

A man's face reveals his thought
and we can invariably detect the predominating states 
of the mind that lives in a groove.

When a person changes his mental state at frequent intervals,
no one state has the opportunity to produce and individual clear-cut expression,
and therefore cannot be so readily detected
but where one predominating state is continued in action for weeks or month or years,
anyone can say what that state is,
by looking at the face of him who has it.

Thus we can detect different kinds of disposition,
different grades of mind,
different degrees of character and different modes of living,
and convince ourselves at the same time,
that man, in general, looks, acts and lives the way he thinks.

The mind concentrates more readily upon the face
than upon any other part of the body.

When you concentrate a strong, well-poised expression
through every part of your face,
think deeply what what you are in ability, capacity and power.

If there is a certain part of the face that you desire to have filled out,
concentrate subjectively on that part for a few minutes every hour,
and in a few weeks you will note the desired change.

It is also highly important to give a positive expression to your face at all times,
and to give all the quality and worth you can to that expression.

Give strong facial expression to poise, determination, positiveness and soul.

The proper expression is that expression that inwardly feels great power
and that applies power in perfect poise.

The beautiful face is produced by harmony of mind,
sweetness of thought, love, tenderness, mental sunshine, joy, kindness
and an inward feeling of the Soul of the beautiful.

Train yourself to feel the beautiful in your own soul and consciousness;
then train yourself to express that feeling in your face.

Train you mind to express its very best in every part of your facial expression;
that is, express yourself consciously and feelingly in your face
so that everybody can see you, the real superior You,
by looking at your face.