to live in the cosmic world - the sublime world of the spirit -
this is the dearest desire of every awakened soul.
It is in cosmic consciousness that the fullness of life,
and the divine sweetness of life is realized;
and it is in the cosmic that the soul finds the great climax of every joy in the world.
It is cosmic consciousness that reveals everything that is lofty and beautiful,
everything that is pure and perfect,
everything that is created in the likeness of the Most High.
It is in the cosmic that our yoke becomes easy and our burden light;
it is in the cosmic that we find the love that abides forever,
the power that cannot be measured,
the truth that gives freedom to body, mind and soul,
the wisdom that is luminous as the light of the eternal sun;
and we shall enter the splendor of the cosmic
when we begin to live on the heights.
When we enter the cosmic we find the real sweetness of existence;
the ills and imperfections of life have vanished;
the mind can know no evil, the body can feel no pain.
We are far beyond the clouds of doubt and fear,
because we are in that world where everything is true and everything is good.
We are under the clear sky of Infinite Light,
on the verge of the great beyond,
on the borderland of the limitless,
on the shores of the great eternal sea;
we have found the heaven of perfect bliss,
and every moment is an eternity of ecstasy divine.
When we have been within the pearly gates of the cosmic world,
even but for a moment, life is not the same anymore;
life is no longer mere existence but a sacred something
that we hold too precious to even mention in spoken words.
It is beyond words, and beyond thought, too great,
too marvelous, too wondrously beautiful for mind to fathom or tongue describe.
The soul alone can know such a life,
and after we have tasted the fruits of the cosmic,
the meat that we know not of,
nothing less than such a life can satisfy.