
Desire gives definiteness to the powers we possess.

Whatever a man desires to do,
if he thinks he can, he will develop the necessary power,
and when the necessary power and ability are gained,
the tangible result will follow.

You must decide what you wish to have done;
and you must, without fail,
be as great, as good and as wonderful as your wish.

It is the depth of desire and fullness of desire
combined in an action that is directed continuously upon one thing desired
that constitutes true desire.

Sometimes the force of persistent desire alone may do wonders
but usually it is necessary to apply in combined action
all forces of the human system.

It is necessary that your desire continue uninterruptedly
along the lines you have chosen.

The one thing that is wanted
should be fixed so clearly in thought
that it can be seen by the mind's eye every minute.

The desire must be deep, whole souled, persistent and strong.

Every desire should be deeply felt 
as all deeply felt mental actions 
become subconscious actions.

Whenever we express a desire
we should think of the subconscious 
and combine the thought of that desire
with our thought of the subconscious mind.

To subconsciously desire something
is to make yourself strong enough and able enough
to command, create or attract that something.

You will get what you wish for when all of you is in your wish.

Desire the very best and make that desire so immensely strong
that all things in your life will be drawn irresistibly 
into the currents of that desire.

Desire to do things
with a desire that sets every fibre in being aflame.

Make so wish alive and so thoroughly in earnest
that every atom in your being
thrills with the positive determination to make that wish come true.

Know what you want,
and then want it with all the life and power that is in you.

You will get what you desire
and in the full measure of that desire
when your desire is literally crammed
with all the life and all the power and all the soul there is in you.

Every desire should desire
the largest, the purest, the most refined
and the most perfect expression
that present mental capacity can be conscious of.

The desires of the soul are always true 
and are always in harmony with the greatest good and the highest welfare
of the entire being of man in his present sphere.

Oneness with God -
the deepest desire and the highest aspiration.