
Whenever we imagine anything
we create mental images, ideas, thoughts, states and conditions
that are in exact likeness of that which we imagine;
it is therefore evident that the imaging process is creative,
and as we can imagine almost anything,
we can create almost any quality or condition desired.

A great many things, however,
are created in the human system that are not desired;
and the reason why is found in the fact
that the power of the imagination is not under perfect control.

Use the imagination to picture only what is good,
what is beautiful, what is beneficial, what is ideal,
and what you wish to realize.

Train the imagination to picture
the good, the right, the true and the wholesome
at all times and under all circumstances.

Learn to use the imagination constructively,
that is, by imagining only those things in mind
that we wish to retain as permanent qualities
in our advancing existence.

The proper use of the imagination
is to picture yourself in mind
as you desire to become through orderly development.

Continue to imagine, under every circumstance,
what you wish to become, gain or realize;
but never imagine, for a moment, what you do not want.

Picture in your own mind your own best idea
of what a strong well-developed individuality would necessarily be,
and then think of yourself as becoming more and more like that picture.

Imagine all your faculties and talents as you know they are in the ideal;
that is, in their highest state of capacity, efficiency and power.

Picture in mind the larger, the higher and the better
of everything that now exists in your life.

Imagine always the higher, the greater, the wonderful, the sublime.

When the imagination of man is right,
everything in the life of man will be right.