and keep the eye single upon that goal.
Know what you want
and what you want to be.
The proper course to pursue
is to determine where we wish to go,
in what direction and when.
The goal we desire to reach
must be so deeply impressed upon the mind
that it is a living inspiration to every thought we think.
Center all your attention upon that goal,
mentally moving in that direction every moment,
and turning on the full current.
Direct the full power of the mind and thought
upon the goal in view.
Focus all your energies on that one supreme goal.
Every force you place in action in your system must aim at that goal,
and must proceed with the definite purpose of helping you reach that goal.
The mind must be determined to reach the highest goal in view,
and should realize that the goal can be reached - that it is being reached.
Imagination should be trained to picture all the forces of the system
moving in harmony towards the goal in view,
and working together for the realization of that goal.
Examine all tendencies of your mind.
All those which are not going the way you want to go must be changed,
while all those that are already going your way
should be given more and more power.
No force of thought or action
must go to the left or to the right.
Never look back, let nothing disturb your plans,
and keep your highest aspirations too sacred to be mentioned.
The desires of such a mind will have the power
to create their own way to their own goal,
no matter how lofty that goal may be.
is to determine where we wish to go,
in what direction and when.
The goal we desire to reach
must be so deeply impressed upon the mind
that it is a living inspiration to every thought we think.
Center all your attention upon that goal,
mentally moving in that direction every moment,
and turning on the full current.
Direct the full power of the mind and thought
upon the goal in view.
Focus all your energies on that one supreme goal.
Every force you place in action in your system must aim at that goal,
and must proceed with the definite purpose of helping you reach that goal.
The mind must be determined to reach the highest goal in view,
and should realize that the goal can be reached - that it is being reached.
Imagination should be trained to picture all the forces of the system
moving in harmony towards the goal in view,
and working together for the realization of that goal.
Examine all tendencies of your mind.
All those which are not going the way you want to go must be changed,
while all those that are already going your way
should be given more and more power.
No force of thought or action
must go to the left or to the right.
Never look back, let nothing disturb your plans,
and keep your highest aspirations too sacred to be mentioned.
The desires of such a mind will have the power
to create their own way to their own goal,
no matter how lofty that goal may be.
To reach any desired goal
the doing of certain things is necessary,
but if those things are not done now
they will have to be done later.
Whether a few weeks, a few years, or a life-time
be required for reaching the goal,
he positively will sooner or later reach the goal
if he continues to think that he can.
the doing of certain things is necessary,
but if those things are not done now
they will have to be done later.
Whether a few weeks, a few years, or a life-time
be required for reaching the goal,
he positively will sooner or later reach the goal
if he continues to think that he can.