We may define the conscious as the upper side of the mentality,
and the subconscious as the underside.
The vast mental world
that lies beneath the within, the world of the conscious mind,
is termed the subconscious.
The subconscious may also be defined as a vast mental field
permeating the entire objective personality,
thereby filling every atom of the personality through and through.
The objective mind is the conscious wide-awake mind
therefore it knows what should be done each moment,
and for that reason is competent to give directions.
The subconscious mind is the creative mind,
therefore it has the power to produce anything that may be required,
and being in full possession of all the underlying forces of the system,
it alone can cause the forces to proceed in action or to cease action.
The voluntary actions of the body
are produced by the conscious side of the mind,
and the involuntary actions
are produced by the subconscious.
The subconscious mind controls all the natural functions of the body,
such as circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation, physical repair, etc.
It also controls all the involuntary actions of the body,
and all those actions of mind and body that continue their natural movement
without direction from the will.
Whenever anything has been repeated a sufficient number of times
to have become habitual, it becomes second nature,
or rather a subconscious action.
The subconscious has the power to make any change in the human system
that it is directed to make,
and the objective mind has the power to direct the subconscious
in any way that may be desired.
The conscious and subconscious sides of the mind
should be placed in the most perfect harmonious relations,
so that every impression of the conscious mind
may enter deeply into the subconscious
and every expression from the subconscious
may work through the conscious mind
without any restriction or interference whatever.
The more completely the conscious mind is united
with the power of the subconscious,
the more perfectly can the conscious mind impress the subconscious,
and the more thoroughly can the greater power of the subconscious
express itself in external, tangible action.
The mind that has presence of mind
at all times, under all circumstances
is in perfect touch with the subconscious.