
Never take a pessimistic view of anything.

Never dwell on anything mentally that is unpleasant.

Never admit that you are tired.

Never talk sickness to anyone.

Never admit weakness of any kind.

Never say that you are only human.

Never say that you feel bad.

Never pity yourself or feel sorry for "poor me."

Never say that there is always something wrong.

Never think of trouble.

Never mention bad luck or even think of possible misfortune.

Never fear the worst.

Never think or say that anything is difficult.

Never think of anything as being hard or fixed or limited.

Never think or say that things are going against you;
that you are not able to do what you want to do,
that fate is unkind, or that life is too short.

Never think that the result you expect can only come after a long, hard pull.

Never think of any condition or circumstance as being greater than yourself,
and never think of any obstacle as being insurmountable.

Never contemplate the idea of giving up.

Never admit the possibility of defeat.

Never be carried away by anything.  

Never pay attention to defects in others.

Never think ill of a single creature.

Never complain, criticize or condemn.

Never criticize or find fault under any circumstance.

Never antagonize anything in thought, word nor deed.

Never be offended at anything.

Never feel hurt.

Never feel suspicious.

Never lose faith in yourself or anyone else.