There is a power that can change everything in our entire destiny.
and we may constantly draw upon that power
whenever we recognize it sufficiently to feel its presence.
You are living with greatness in the mental world
and you are in constant contact with the "live wire"of universal power.
Live constantly in the conviction that you have within yourself
all the power that you may require for any purpose whatsoever.
There is enough power to any man
to enable him to realize all his desires
and reach the highest good he has in view.
It is only necessary that all this power be constructively applied.
When you inwardly know you can do what you want to do
you place yourself in conscious possession of the power
that can do what you want to do.
Power comes from within and above,
therefore we must gain a larger consciousness
of the interior and higher states of our being
if we wish to secure more power;
and we must enter into as perfect as harmony as possible
with the real source of power
whenever we wish to accomplish something that is above the ordinary.
Live mentally in the consciousness of the power
that you can imagine existing within you,
and desire, from the very deepest depths of your being,
to appropriate more and more of this power
according to the ever-growing needs of your advancing life.
Place the mind in the closest possible touch with this inner power;
try to feel the living expression of this power.
It is the law that the more power we use the more power we generate.
The law is that the more power we use today,
the more we shall have tomorrow.
It is only a matter of using all the power you possess
instead of a small fraction.
The powers of the mind and soul are inexhaustible.
The deepest life gives the strongest power.
The higher the power the stronger its force;
therefore, the higher we go in the scale of attainment
the more important it becomes to properly direct everything.
The man who is alive with power
can never hide from the world of achievement,
not even though he may be in the wilderness of the desert.
They could feel the presence of this power in every fibre and vein;
they could touch it with their hands in the atmosphere all about them;
they could charge their very thoughts with the elements of this power;
they could direct the tremendous forces of this power
into every word they might utter or declare;
and they could, through the use of divine will,
give expression to this power through the higher laws of nature.
and thus perform what, to the world, has seemed miraculous.
Every individual in his present state
has the power to see through everything in that state.
has the power to see through everything in that state.