Live on the Heights

Live in the upper story of the mind.

Think of yourself as living in a fine upper atmosphere of thought and life
where freedom is complete, where power is unbounded 
and where all is well.

The idea is to dwell constantly at the mountaintop of your being;
to live consciously and perpetually at the very apex of all your aspirations,
and to constantly function in the most perfect spheres
of those present possibilities that you can now realize.

When we ascend to the heights
we find healing for the body, 
emancipation for the mind 
and inspiration for the soul.

When things are wrong, 
we simply ascend to the heights and all is well again.

The joy of the soul is on the heights.

We are living on the heights
and we belong to a higher, finer world.

We are in a world of higher power.

There are no limitations on the heights.

In this higher world, to live is to love.

We are in a world that is luminous with spiritual light.

On the heights everything is divinity in expression.

Dwell constantly upon the mountain tops of supreme spiritual existence.