Objective and Subjective

Objective thought is the result of general thinking,
such as reasoning, intellectual research, analysis, 
study, the process of recollection,
mind-picturing where there is no feeling,
and the usual activities of the intellect.
In brief, any mental process that calls forth 
only the activities of the intellect is objective,
and such thinking does not affect the conditions 
of the mind and body to any extent.

Subjective thinking is any form of thinking or mind-picturing
that has depth of feeling,
that goes beneath the surface of its action.
that moves through the undercurrents, 
that acts in and through the psychological field.
Subjective thinking is synonymous 
with the thought of the heart,
and it is subjective thought that is referred to in the statement,
"As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."

Mind has two sides,
the outer and the inner,
or the objective and the subjective.

The objective is the conscious mind;
the subjective is the subconscious mind.

The objective acts; the subjective reacts.

The objective mind gives orders;
the subjective mind carries them out.

The objective selects the seed
 and places the seed in the subjective;
and the subjective causes the seed to grow
and bear fruit after its kind.

Whatever the objective desires to have done,
the subjective has the power to do,
and will do, if properly directed;
though it must be properly and consciously directed.

The objective can properly direct the subconscious
wherever the two minds consciously touch