The mind never discerns those ideals
that are beyond the possibility of present development.
When you discern an ideal
you discover something that lies in your own onward path.
that are beyond the possibility of present development.
When you discern an ideal
you discover something that lies in your own onward path.
The ideals you see are in your own path,
and can be reached by you.
To see an ideal
indicates that the ideal is within your reach ready for you to possess
if you press forward steadily and surely until the goal is reached.
To see an ideal
indicates that the ideal is within your reach ready for you to possess
if you press forward steadily and surely until the goal is reached.
We have an undeveloped correspondent in ourselves
to every ideal we may discern.
You are the ideal side of yourself;
the actual or external side of yourself
to every ideal we may discern.
You are the ideal side of yourself;
the actual or external side of yourself
is only a partial expression of the ideal or true self.
To make real the ideal,
the first essential is to remove from consciousness
the gulf that seems to exist
between present attainment and the greater possibilities.
We must never recognize the gulf that seems to exist
between our present state and the state we desire to reach.
To remove the seeming gulf from mind,
turn attention not only upon the ideal you desire to reach,
but try to see the ideal of yourself as well.
The ideal cannot come down to you;
ideals never move that way;
but you can go up to your idea,
and that is the true way for you to move.
Have an ideal, and the highest that you can picture.
Then worship it every hour with your whole soul.
Never come down and do not neglect it for a moment.
It is not only necessary to have ideals,
it is also necessary to make real our ideals.
Have an ideal, the highest ideal you can picture.
Have an ideal and live for it every second of your existence.
We should picture before us
the most refined state of the ideal that we can possibly conceive,
and keep this picture before us constantly
with the deep desire to make it real.
We should picture before us
the most refined state of the ideal that we can possibly conceive,
and keep this picture before us constantly
with the deep desire to make it real.
Dream constantly of the ideal;
work ceaselessly to perfect the real.
Think of the ideal, live for the ideal
and work for the ideal at all times,
knowing that the ideal is real in its own sublime world,
and that it can be made real in the tangible world.
Think of the ideal, live for the ideal
and work for the ideal at all times,
knowing that the ideal is real in its own sublime world,
and that it can be made real in the tangible world.
The more distinctly the mind discerns the ideal,
the more frequently the ideal is brought directly before the actions of attention
the more will the mind think of the ideal;
and the mind invariably moves towards that which we think of the most.
We must make that ideal so active within our own minds
that it produces full and constructive action
in those powers of the mind or personality that can produce,
in the outer world, what we have pictured in the ideal world.
To affirm constantly the ideal
is to train the mind to think the ideal,
and to think the ideal is to make real the ideal.
the more frequently the ideal is brought directly before the actions of attention
the more will the mind think of the ideal;
and the mind invariably moves towards that which we think of the most.
We must make that ideal so active within our own minds
that it produces full and constructive action
in those powers of the mind or personality that can produce,
in the outer world, what we have pictured in the ideal world.
To affirm constantly the ideal
is to train the mind to think the ideal,
and to think the ideal is to make real the ideal.
If we want to realize the ideal,
we must become ideal
and be able to express the ideal in every form and manner.
To make real the ideal,
the principle is to make everything in your life
more and more like the ideal.
If we wish to reach our ideals in the world of achievement,
we must develop greater ability, capacity and power.
The ideal has a positive drawing power
towards the higher, the greater, the superior.
we must develop greater ability, capacity and power.
The ideal has a positive drawing power
towards the higher, the greater, the superior.
The true idealist gives conscious recognition only to the power of good.
To make real the ideal,
proceed to develop greatness, superiority and high worth in yourself.
We have an undeveloped correspondent in ourselves
to every ideal we may discern.
You are the ideal side of yourself;
the actual or external side of yourself
To make real the ideal,
proceed to develop greatness, superiority and high worth in yourself.
We have an undeveloped correspondent in ourselves
to every ideal we may discern.
You are the ideal side of yourself;
the actual or external side of yourself
is only a partial expression of the ideal or true self.
Coupled with our desire for the ideal,
we must have an equally strong desire
for the remaking of ourselves
so that we may become equal to that ideal in every respect.
he can gradually change himself
and modify his nature to correspond.
You steadily and surely become in the real
what you constantly and clearly think that you are in the ideal.
Act in the real as you feel you are in the ideal.
The ideal becomes real only when characteristics of the ideal
are acted out in the real.
are acted out in the real.
To live in the same world as your ideal,
you must become like your ideal.
Proceed to remake yourself in the likeness of that ideal
and it will become your own.
and it will become your own.
The very moment you begin to rebuild yourself
in the exact likeness of your ideal,
you will begin to realize your ideal.
The very moment you being to develop the personal self
into the likeness of the ideal self,
the ideal life will begin to become real in the personal life.
You will realize as much of your ideal now
as you develop in yourself now.
You will realize your ideal
when you become exactly like your ideal.
When we attain the ideal and beautiful in our own natures,
we shall meet the ideal and beautiful
wherever we may go in the world.