what we are not able to do.
They are simply golden opportunities
for you to become what you never were before.
Be glad you have the opportunity
to prove your own power,
and thus elevate yourself thereby.
to prove your own power,
and thus elevate yourself thereby.
You have attracted something difficult
because you are able to handle something difficult.
because you are able to handle something difficult.
Here is an opportunity
which I have the privilege to embrace.
which I have the privilege to embrace.
Train yourself to live constantly in the conviction
that you are equal to every occasion that comes your way.
Whatever your present sphere of action may require of you,
that you are able to do.
Depend upon yourself,
proceed in the conviction that you whole self
is equal to every occasion
that may arise in your life or your work.
that you are equal to every occasion that comes your way.
Whatever your present sphere of action may require of you,
that you are able to do.
You are equal to any occasion
when the whole of your mind is called into action.
when the whole of your mind is called into action.
You are ready for anything that life may demand of you,
or that your work or position may require.
You are equal to it all.
or that your work or position may require.
You are equal to it all.
Depend upon yourself,
proceed in the conviction that you whole self
is equal to every occasion
that may arise in your life or your work.
I can do whatever I undertake to do
and I am equal to every occasion.
Establish right relations between yourself
and every new occasion that you meet.
Accordingly, you will know that you are equal to every occasion;
and when this discovery is made,
you will have remove practically all the difficulties
that may exist in your pathway.
You are equal to every occasion, if you think so;
therefore you should consider it a privilege to prove it.
Prove to yourself that you are equal to every occasion.
and I am equal to every occasion.
Establish right relations between yourself
and every new occasion that you meet.
Accordingly, you will know that you are equal to every occasion;
and when this discovery is made,
you will have remove practically all the difficulties
that may exist in your pathway.
You are equal to every occasion, if you think so;
therefore you should consider it a privilege to prove it.
Prove to yourself that you are equal to every occasion.
Live constantly in the conviction
that you are equal to every occasion you may meet in life.
that you are equal to every occasion you may meet in life.