We may liken the conscious mind
to the sower, the tiller of the soilin the great mental garden;
we may liken the subconscious
to the fertile soil in which every seed is placed -
where every seed, that is everything we think, say or do,
is to grow, develop, multiply itself, come forth and express itself
in the outer world of actual living and being.
And we may liken the superconscious to the sunlight from above -
the great power from higher realms coming down upon the mental garden
with its warmth, its light, and its life-giving elements,
so that every seed in the garden may grow freely
and develop into the full grown flower
of understanding, character and spirituality.
The conscious mind is always the sower of the seed.
The mind we use in our daily wide awake experiences
is the mind that selects the seed
and that places every selected seed in the subconscious field.
As we are fully awake when using the conscious mind,
and have full control over its actions,
we can select whatever seed we may desire,
thereby determining absolutely what we would reap -
what we would become - what we would have for our future.
We must sow now to reap in the days to come;
but how well we are to reap
will depend entirely upon the seeds we select now,
and the ways we cultivate the soil now.
Select the best seeds in the present,
cultivate the seeds according the the best science in the present,
and you need never be disturbed about the future.
If the conscious mind - the sower,
does not make a wise selection of seed,
there will be thornbushes and other objectionable growths in the mental garden
because the subconscious gives its fertility to every seed,
and the superconscious gives its light and life to every seed,
be it good or otherwise.
What we sow, we reap,
and the subconscious is the field,
wherein everything may grow and flourish.
The subconscious is the garden of the mind
and will promote the growth of any kind of seed,
be it good or otherwise.
Since the subconscious is the field in which every seed is placed
to take root, grow, develop and ripen,
we must cultivate this field both deeply and well.
In brief, our mental actions must not be on the surface only,
but must be deeply felt
so that more and more of the subconscious life and fertility
is liberated for growth and development of every flower in the garden.
It is from the superconscious
that we receive the sunshine required for the growth of this garden
and therefore our mental sky must be clear.
The clouds of doubt, fear, ignorance, misunderstanding and materiality
must be removed completely,
so that the great sun of truth may send its life-giving rays
upon every flower and tree growing in this remarkable garden.
It is materiality that is the heaviest cloud -
that attitude of the mind that closes all consciousness to the light from above,
and dwells only in the contemplation of the earth, the earthly.
It is from the superconscious that we receive the sunshine required
for the growth of this garden; and therefore our mental sky must be clear.
The clouds of doubt, fear, discontent, ignorance, misunderstanding and materiality
must be removed completely,
so that the great sun of truth may send its life-giving rays
upon ever flower and tree growing in this remarkable garden.
And it is materiality that is the heaviest cloud -
that attitude of the mind that closes all consciousness to the light from above,
and dwells only in the contemplation of the earth only.
If we would receive the full light of the sun of wisdom and truth,
and thus expand our minds perpetually
in the realization of greater light in all ways,
we must turn the mind fully upon the vastness of the superconscious world.