
Expect your body to stay well, to stay strong, to stay young,
and to continue in health, youth and vigor as long as you live.

Expect your body to be well at all times.

Expect your eyes to have perfect sight as long as you live.

Expect every organ in your body to perform its function perfectly.

What you constantly expect your body to become,
you give it the power to become.

You can think almost any state or condition into your system
as you may desire.

Speak well of your body 
and compliment your body on every opportunity.

Give it strong positive suggestions.

Give it the best instructions you can think of.

Continue to praise your body
and it will prove worthy of more and more praise.

Never deny the body anything that will add
to the comfort, the beauty and the richness of physical existence.

Train yourself to think of every organ, every muscle,
every nerve, every cell in your body as possessing intelligence.

Think of every atom in your system as possessing intelligence.

Tell this intelligence what it has the power to do.

Tell this intelligence that it has the power to keep each organ well,
and that you expect it to do so.

Speak to all the organs in your body as if they were intelligent beings.

Educate the intelligence of every organ in your body
as you would educate your own children.

Encourage them all to do their best.

Look upon the organs in your body as constituting one great family,
all working together in perfect harmony.

Think of the body as a divinely formed structure.

Think of the body not as solid matter but as spirit made visible.

The body becomes the consecrated temple of the spirit.

When the mind reflects the wholeness of spirit,
the body becomes as pure, as clear, as refined and as beautiful as the spirit,
and likewise, as strong as the spirit.

Emancipation comes to the body
only when the fullness of the spirit of truth
finds expression in the body.