Overcoming Weak Character

There must be character before there can be true greatness,
because any deficiency in character 
causes energy to be wasted and misdirected.

In the study of character,
it is very important to know 
that the violation of mental laws
is just as detrimental as the violation of moral laws.

There is a vast difference 
between that phase of character
that simply tries to follow moral law, 
and real character - the character that actually is justice, virtue and truth.

When you fail to be as perfect, as good or as ideal as you wish to be,
or fail to accomplish what you thing that you can accomplish,
your character is at fault.

When character is weak,
there is more or less conflict among the mental actions.
Certain actions have a tendency to work for one thing,
while other actions are tending to produce the very opposite.

When you fail to do what you want to do,
your character is weak.
The same is true when you preach one thing and practice another.

If you are in the hands of worry, your character needs development.
The same is true if you have a tendency to submit to fate,
give in to adversity, give up in the midst of difficulties,
or surrender to failure and wrong.

To be influenced to do what you would not do if you were normal,
means that your character is weak,
and to be affected by surroundings, events, circumstances and conditions
against your will, indicates the same deficiency.

All mental tendencies that are antagonistic, critical or resisting
indicate a deficiency in character.

The desire to criticise becomes less and less as character is developed.
It is the mark of a fine character never to be critical
and to mention but rarely the faults of others.

It may be stated without exceptions or modifications whatever,
that the more temper, the less character.

It is character that determines 
whether our actions in daily life are to right or wrong.

Every mistake is due to a lack of character.

In the strong character all actions work in harmony
and all actions are constructive.

A strong character will keep all the faculties and forces of life
moving in the right direction,
no matter what obstacles we may meet in the way.

The strong character is conscious only of the right
because such a character is right,
and is causing everything in its sphere of action to do that right.

A strong character does not resist evil,
but uses his strength in building the good.

A strong character is never influenced against his will.
He is never disturbed by anything,
never becomes upset, offended or depressed.
No one can insult him because he is above small states of mind.

A strong character changes gradually, orderly,
and only as each step is throughly analyzed
and found to be a real step forward.

The more individuality, the more character,
and the more one is oneself, the stronger the character.

Practice being yourself,
your very best self, and your very largest self,
and your character will be developed.