
Character is the proper direction of all things,
and the proper use of all things in the human system.

Character does not mean simply,
obedience to a certain group of laws,
but the power to use properly all the laws of life.

It is through the development of character
that each individual will know for himself
how to live, think and act in perfect harmony with the laws of all life.

The two predominating factors in character are justice and virtue.

In the building of character,
the two principle objects in view
should be the strong and the beautiful.

The two fundamental essentials 
to the development of character
are to know the right and to desire the right.

Character develops through a constant effort
to cause every action in the human system to be a right action;
that is a constructive action.

Character is the power of right action.

To have character is to know the right,
and to be well established in the doing of the right,
that nothing in the world can turn you into the wrong.

To have character is to have the power to promote
what you know to be the purpose of life,
and to be able to do the right when you know the right.

To be right, according the to the viewpoint of completeness,
is to be in harmony with the laws 
of the present sphere of human existence.

It is the one supreme function of character
to make all actions in the human system constructive -
to make every force in the human life a building force.

A true character tries to turn all the energies of the system
into the best and most constructive channels,
and it is the mark of a real character
when all the various parts of the being of man
are working together harmoniously
for the building of greatness in mind and soul.

The stronger the character,
the more keenly one can feel 
that everything is being reconstructed, refined,
perfected and developed into something superior.