to turn on the full current of your life, ability and power.
Begin the day with a deep, positive determination
to apply all that is in you every moment
and in everything you undertake.
The ruling idea must always be
the full application of the whole self.
Whatever you do,
enter into it with all your mind and heart and soul.
We should make it a practice to express the whole self
in everything we do, think or say.
Make it a point to express
in your every action, physical or mental,
all the life and power you possess.
in your every action, physical or mental,
all the life and power you possess.
When you seek to apply more of the self,
proceed to exercise every power, every function,
every muscle, every fibre and every atom of your being.
At all times and under all circumstances
aim to express and apply your whole self.
Whether or not you are to get what you want,
depends entirely upon how much of your whole self you apply.
proceed to exercise every power, every function,
every muscle, every fibre and every atom of your being.
At all times and under all circumstances
aim to express and apply your whole self.
Whether or not you are to get what you want,
depends entirely upon how much of your whole self you apply.