
The creative forces that are generated in man,
and the cosmic forces that work through man
are fundamental cause of fate.

Fate is created by the powers in man;
therefore, in order to master fate,
man must acquire control over the creative forces in his being.

Fate is the result of man's being and doing;
a direct effect of the life and the works of the individual.

The fate of each individual person
is the direct and indirect result of what that person is and does.

Anyone who wishes to change his fate can do so
by imaging upon his mind a different fate,
and by keeping that image so constantly before mind
that every thought becomes the likeness of the new fate.

Since fate is created and not controlled,
all the elements of fate will have to be constantly re-created.

When we can create any fate that we may desire,
we have mastered fate; but not until then.

When we analyze fate,
we find that it has four distinct parts,
each of which comes from its own individual cause.
The first is the creations of nature 
that man has voluntarily entered into;
the second is the creations of the race 
that man as an individual has accepted as his own;
the third is the creations of certain individuals 
to which man has closely related himself;
and the fourth is the creations of the individual himself.