1. Give your best to the world,
and give in greater and greater abundance,
regardless of what the world may give to you.
Everything that is given must come from the soul,
and the more the soul is called upon to come forth with its precious treasures,
the more will the soul live in the unfoldment of the richness of its divine life.
The soul that gives much becomes much;
it gives expression to much,
and through this expression unfolds every element of divine being.
This giving must come from the heart;
it is the giving of love.
2. Live in the world of the good, the true and the beautiful,
and think upon these things.
Whatsoever is lovely, beautiful, perfect, lofty and sublime,
let the mind dwell with these things,
and let the mind choose such alone for its ceaseless companions.
The mind becomes like its constant companions.
3. Know that you are a spiritual being,
and that you live and move and have your being
in the infinite sea of pure celestial spirit.
Know that you are surrounded, here and now,
by the radiant elements of the cosmic world.
and in that sublime realization live, think and act eternally.
To give constant recognition to the spirit in which you live
is to place the elements of your life in closer and closer touch with the spirit.
Thus, your body, mind and soul will be spiritualized more and more,
the material elements of your being will be removed from your senses and your visions,
and your eyes will be opened to the splendor of "another and a better world."
4. Live in the constant recognition of the great truth that God is with you,
that He is nearer than your very life, because He is the very Life of your life.
Keep this thought before the mind
and draw so near to his nearness that you can feel the glory of His divine presence.
This will awaken your own spiritual nature
which means that you will begin to live with God and walk with God.
5. Keep your eye single upon the light of the great eternal sun,
and open your mind to the endless influx of that light.
Thus, you become full of light,
and you will actually live in a sea of light.
When the mind is illumined from above,
all the elements of the mind and soul will turn towards that light
as a flower turns her smiling face towards the light of the sun;
and when the soul turns towards the Infinite light,
it will begin to ascend, drawing nearer and nearer to that light.
In like manner, all the elements of the human life will begin to look up,
and that which is looking up will rise.
Body, mind and soul will begin to ascend, and, in harmony,
will shortly reach the lofty goal.
6. Live in the spiritual understanding of the truth.
Open the mind to the truth as it is in all things,
and know that every creature in the universe
manifests truth in its own individual measure.
Live perpetually in that consciousness
that discerns the reality of absolute truth -
the truth as it is in the Mind of God.
Thus will your own mind find its true state of being,
its true relation to God, to man, to all that is;
the mind will be true to itself, it will be truth in itself,
it will know that it is, within the reality of itself, the divine perfection of truth.
This truth will make the mind free.
7. Dwell eternally in the highest spiritual touch
with the divinity that is in every living creature.
Live only in the divine, think only of the divine, look only for the divine,
and know that the divine is everywhere.
On the heights, everything is divinity in expression.
To constantly recognize the divine in all things,
and live in touch with the divine everywhere,
the mind must live in that attitude
where boundless love is wedded to that realization
that know the spiritual nature all things.
Think of all things as they are in the perfection of divine spirit,
and in that thought love all things
with the infinite tenderness of boundless love.
8. Merge yourself with the universal.
Come out from the cramped world of limitation
and enter into the freedom of the limitless.
There are no limitations on the heights.
The mountain tops of the spirit
are in the sublime world of the boundless
where the soul is free to stretch forth its wings and soar wherever it will.
There is nothing in the way;
everything is free to be all that it is,
and in being all, it unfolds the universal, the limitless, the endless,
thus living what it is - the likeness of God.
9. Live by that faith that is ever on the verge of the great beyond -
the infinite sea of unbounded life;
the faith that knows that the unseen is real,
that the seeming void is solid rock,
that the great beyond is a more marvelous universe
inseparably united with that which seems real now.
This faith knows that all is real, that God is everywhere,
that the soul my press on into the vastness of limitless worlds
and still be ever in the presence of the Most High.
This faith removes the veil that seems to separate the world of sense
from the universal sea of spirit;
it reveals to the mind the great truth
that all worlds, visible and invisible, are one world
and in this one world may be found the many mansions of the soul.
This faith takes the soul out of the material into the spiritual.
This faith takes the soul out of the material into the spiritual.
10. Dwell constantly in a high spiritual touch with the master minds of the ages.
Feel that you are one with these in spirit
and that by virtue of that oneness,
the secret of their sublime existence is also being revealed to you.
Nourish the mind constantly with the inspired thoughts of these great souls,
thus preparing the mind to realize and express in real life,
the same oneness that already exists in spirit.
Live in spirit, with the Christ, and the true spiritual followers of Christ,
in whatever times and places these may be found.
Let these be the constant companions of the soul,
for they constitute the great white throng that is living in the heights.
Whether they be in the form or not,
if they are in the spirit, they are on the heights.
11. Pray without ceasing,
and pray with all the power of the heart and soul,
that you may ascend into God's own beautiful world.
Ceaselessly desire the highest,
and inspire every thought of the soul of this desire.
The action of every desire, whether of the body, mind or soul,
should be animated with a strong ascending life.
The whole of life should be made a prayer -
a beautiful prayer of faith - a prayer for the spiritual life on high.
And whatever we ask for, we should ask it in the name of the Christ;
not simply in the verbal expression of that name,
but in the spiritual understanding of that name.
To enter into the spiritual understanding of the name of Christ
when we pray is to enter into the spiritual world
where everything that we may pray for is already at hand for us to receive.
Whatsoever ye pray or ask for, believe that ye have received it and ye shall have it.
It has already been given;
it is already at hand in the kingdom waiting for us to come and take possession;
and I Am the door;
we may enter the kingdom
and receive our own providing we enter in the name of the Christ,
in the pure spiritual conception of the divine significance of that name.
12. Thy will be done.
To place the whole of life in the power of the Infinite Will, is to go with this will,
and the Will of God always will to go to the highest.
When we will to do what God wills,
we shall go and live in His own beautiful world, because that is His Will.
It is His Will that all should enter His Kingdom now,
and His Kingdom is on the heights.