we find it necessary to follow a certain path;
that is the one path that naturally leads to the goal we have in view.
Every soul was created to follow the path -
must sooner or later begin to follow the path absolutely
in order to work out its own sublime destiny.
The path is for yourself alone.
On this path you must live your own life
and give all others freedom to live their own life.
The path that leads into life is narrow
because it gives room only for your own individuality,
and only for the true self.
It is only on the path that light can be found.
The path of truth and life is perfectly straight
and is illumined all the way.
We are on the path when the whole of life has been consecrated
to the best, to the highest, to the truest, to the richest and to the ideal
including the best that can be found everywhere on all planes of life.
We are here to find and continue upon the great path.
We can enjoy everything in life as we proceed on the path,
provided we are true to the purpose of life.
A law is a path that leads to greater and better things.
When we live according to a law
we are constantly receiving the greater riches that lie in that path,
and when we live according to all the laws of life
we receive everything good that life can give.
So long as we have only the good in mind we will be on this path.
So long as we are on the path, then all is well.
Once we begin to desire what is not good
we are at once drawn out of the path.
The cause of this tendency is in the soul's natural desire for growth -
this desire in its undeveloped stages,
prompting the mind to seek all places for experience and truth.
There is neither suffering nor bondage upon this path.
It is only when we step outside of the path that we suffer.
The cause of all suffering is found
in this tendency of the soul to step outside of the path -
the path provided by the infinite laws of eternal ascension.
Whenever we step outside of the path we have pain.
We suffer pain and adversity only we we step off the path.
When the soul steps outside of this path, it is lost;
and continues lost so long as it remains outside the path.
When we violate a law we go outside the path,
where there is nothing to be gained or nothing to live for.
It is absolutely true
that what time we spend outside the path is wasted,
for what experience we may gain on the outside
is of no value to the soul
in its advancement towards mastership and illumination.
We are not going to find this greater good
if we give most of our time and attention
trying to eliminate those conditions that exist outside our path.
We almost invariably step out of the path
the moment we cease to move forward.
In order to continue on the path
continue to move forward on the path.
Live continually on the path continually,
never for a moment turning to the right nor to the left.
Although we may be saved now - on the path now -
we may at any time step out again
if we do not continue to live absolutely
according to the principles of divine truth.
And when we step out of the path,
the soul is lost again for the time being;
it has gone astray, and is going wrong,
going contrary to the laws of its being.
Every moment outside the path
simply means more suffering for the near future;
while every moment on the path
means more real enjoyment, more wisdom,
more power, a greater measure of freedom
and a larger life for the near future.
provided we are true to the purpose of life.
A law is a path that leads to greater and better things.
When we live according to a law
we are constantly receiving the greater riches that lie in that path,
and when we live according to all the laws of life
we receive everything good that life can give.
So long as we have only the good in mind we will be on this path.
So long as we are on the path, then all is well.
Once we begin to desire what is not good
we are at once drawn out of the path.
The cause of this tendency is in the soul's natural desire for growth -
this desire in its undeveloped stages,
prompting the mind to seek all places for experience and truth.
There is neither suffering nor bondage upon this path.
It is only when we step outside of the path that we suffer.
The cause of all suffering is found
in this tendency of the soul to step outside of the path -
the path provided by the infinite laws of eternal ascension.
Whenever we step outside of the path we have pain.
We suffer pain and adversity only we we step off the path.
When the soul steps outside of this path, it is lost;
and continues lost so long as it remains outside the path.
When we violate a law we go outside the path,
where there is nothing to be gained or nothing to live for.
It is absolutely true
that what time we spend outside the path is wasted,
for what experience we may gain on the outside
is of no value to the soul
in its advancement towards mastership and illumination.
We are not going to find this greater good
if we give most of our time and attention
trying to eliminate those conditions that exist outside our path.
We almost invariably step out of the path
the moment we cease to move forward.
In order to continue on the path
continue to move forward on the path.
Live continually on the path continually,
never for a moment turning to the right nor to the left.
Although we may be saved now - on the path now -
we may at any time step out again
if we do not continue to live absolutely
according to the principles of divine truth.
And when we step out of the path,
the soul is lost again for the time being;
it has gone astray, and is going wrong,
going contrary to the laws of its being.
Every moment outside the path
simply means more suffering for the near future;
while every moment on the path
means more real enjoyment, more wisdom,
more power, a greater measure of freedom
and a larger life for the near future.
It is not necessary to be a master mind or an illumined soul
in order to continue on the path.
It is only necessary that we live on the path where we are,
whether we are at the early stages of growth
or upon the sublime heights.
When the desire of life for the higher
The true pathway of life
is the eternal pathway of endless ascension -
the soul rising ever and ever into higher and higher states of existence.
It is a path of wisdom and light, the path of freedom and truth -
the straight and narrow path -
the path leading directly towards the spiritual heights.
We have everything to gain,
both of thing temporal and of things eternal,
by living that the soul is always on the path.
becomes so strong that the whole of life is inspired by that desire,
there will no longer be any desire in mind or body to step outside the path.
The one desire will be to live on the path and that desire will be supreme.
The one desire will be to live on the path and that desire will be supreme.
The true pathway of life
is the eternal pathway of endless ascension -
the soul rising ever and ever into higher and higher states of existence.
It is a path of wisdom and light, the path of freedom and truth -
the straight and narrow path -
the path leading directly towards the spiritual heights.
We have everything to gain,
both of thing temporal and of things eternal,
by living that the soul is always on the path.