
There is a state in the inner field of consciousness
where absolute peace prevails at all times;
to become conscious of this state is to become calm and serene.

In the attitude of peace,
the mind finds its true self and its own supreme power.

Always remember the great law:
the deeper your consciousness of peace,
the greater your possession of power.

It is in perfect peace that invincible power develops.

Be at peace with all forces, all elements, all persons, all things.

Train mind, thought, feeling and consciousness
to dwell perpetually in perfect peace.

Turn your attention upon the inner life of the soul
and gently hold your mind on the thoughts of stillness and peace.

Breathe deeply but gently, and think only of peace and stillness.

Affirm with deep quiet, feeling
"Peace is mine."
"I am resting in the stillness of the Spirit."
"I have entered the beautiful calm."

When you make these statements feel that you are peaceful and still
and that you are now in that inner world where all is quiet and serene.

Fall asleep with peace on your mind;
bathe your body, so to speak, in the crystal sea of beautiful calm.

When we enter into the perfect stillness of the soul -
the peace that passeth understanding -
that peace does pass understanding because in that state
there is no understanding large enough or wonderful enough
to measure the peace we realize -
it is in that state of peace which is above reason,
which is above ordinary mental activity,
which is even above what we usually call thinking ,
where we may know or discern the presence of the I Am.

When we are in that peace we are in absolute Light.