Seeing Through Negatives

Nothing can be conducive to the greatest joy
where natural laws are being violated.

When life seems barren and useless,
we are not in the spirit.

The negative person is a light turned down very low.

No matter how empty the present may seem to be
there is always a way out,
and to find the way out simply follow the light of some great idea.

The only obstacle in the world is doubt;
the only barrier is not to know.

If there be doubt, the knowing is not complete;
and knowing is not knowing unless it is complete.

To him who knows and knows so deeply and so well
that doubt has ceased to be, such barriers are no more.
To him the way is cleared; the gates are wide ajar;
and he may go and come according to his will.

Fear is a feeling
that feels the coming of ills or other things we do not want.

There are many things that we are afraid of,
but the principle ones are undoubtedly 
poverty, disease, calamity and death.

Negative commands are nearly always associated with fear.

Every action of fear is an action of retreat; it moves to the rear;
it gives up and drifts further and further back toward nothingness.

Reduced to its last analysis,
fear is simply a state of mind
arising from the seeming uncertainty of the immediate future.

The various forms of nervous feeling and nervous acting
are due to a lack of poise
and therefore channels through which a good deal of energy is lost.

To talk for the mere sake of talking is to throw precious energy away,
and no human chatterbox will ever acquire greatness.

Discord wastes energy,
while harmony accumulates energy.

We cannot produce harmony 
by trying to understand discord.

We cannot withdraw consciousness from a state of discord
unless we can direct consciousness upon the opposite state -
a state of harmony.

It is when harmony undermines discord that discord is no more.

Other channels of waste will be found in emotionalism, excited feeling,
uncontrolled passion, anger, fear, depression, suspense,
and every state of mind wherein action does not contain
a calm self-possessed element.

All mental force is misdirected
that is not turned into constructive channels.

Their conscious mind has not been trained
to hold all of its (subconscious) power within its own personal domain.

The disordered mind is the inactive mind.
It does not possess itself.
It has no definite object in view.
It has not brought all its forces together
to work for any definite purpose.
It is unsettled and undecided.
Its forces are confused.
Its attention is divided.
Its thoughts are scattered.

When a beautiful character 
is found among inferior associations,
the cause is usually lack of positive quality.
They are far better than they appear to be,
and they possess more than they use;
but as it is only what we use that counts,
such characters will be found in associations that measure exactly,
not with what they are, but with what they use and express.

When we keep our best qualities in reserve
we appear to be less than we are.
We consequently attract the lesser
and receive what we do not want.
We also accomplish less than
what we have the power to accomplish,
thereby failing to secure our own.

Intelligence was not intended to be used
in the study of nothingness, illusions or mistakes.

All study of imperfection is useless;
in fact more than useless,
because the further we delve into the darkness of the false,
the further we depart from the light of truth.

When the mind dwells continually in an attitude
where attention is concentrated upon the imperfect,
we are not coming in contact with greater worth 
nor meeting the superior in life anywhere.

That person who declares that there is always something wrong
is always doing something to make things wrong.

If things are wrong in your world
it is directly or indirectly due to the fact
that you are not absolutely right inside.

Ills and wrongs can only exist only so long as we reproduce them.

To continue to think of the wrong and mentally live with the wrong
is to continue to remain in the wrong.

We know full well that if we continue to dwell 
on the wrong side of everything,
and continue to think of the weakness of the people with whom we associate,
we will soon come to the place where we not only see everything
from the wrong point of view,
but will misjudge and mistreat everybody with whom we come in contact;
therefore, discord must follow.

You cannot control the wrong to be right;
but you can transmute and transform the wrong into the right.

When things appear to be against us
we are against ourselves,
and when things seem to be slipping away
the reason it that we are neglecting to hold ourselves
in that strong, positive, masterful state where we belong.

When you complain that you are disagreeably affected
by the scores of disturbed conditions that are all about us in the world,
you are simply proclaiming the fact to the world
that you have not attained self-possession,
and that you have not entered
into the permanent consciousness of real peace.

If you are still meeting things to overcome,
you have not learned to live more and more;
you are still permitting yourself to fall down
from the world of real life into the world of temporary conditions;
you are still living in the body instead of manifesting in the body.

There are many reasons why the will remains weak,
but these are chiefly to blame:
mental vagueness as to the nature and functions of the individual ego;
uncertainty as to the purpose in life or action - acting with no definite object in view;
permitting external factors to take prolonged hold of mind, thought or feeling;
giving full right of way to habits, desires or tendencies;
and not living and acting according to systems prescribed by others.

The violation of mental laws takes place principally through
fear, anger, worry, resistance, depression, the critical attitude,
the antagonistic attitude, the materialistic attitude
and the attitude of misdirected desire.

The laws of mind are also violated
when we form false conceptions or inferior conceptions
of anything of which we may be thinking.

It is contrary to the laws of right thinking
to even think of disease or to fear disease,
or to fear anything,
or permit the mind to dwell upon
trouble, failure, weakness, disappointment,
or any other state, condition or experience that we do not desire;
for the fact is that if we dwell upon these things,
we set in motion mental vibrations that correspond
with the inner life of those things,
and, in consequence, they will be produced sooner or later
in our own physical or mental systems.

The various mental states of depression, gloom, despondency, worry etc.
are produced by the mind coming down to inferior planes of action.
To control those states, that is to remove them completely,
turn all the forces of the mind upon the highest state of consciousness
that the imagination can picture.
Then direct the will to act upon the finer consciousness of this state,
and into the finer state the entire mind will go.

When a person becomes angry
he throws his thoughts out towards the object of his ill-will,
thereby bringing his consciousness to the surface
away from the real will and into the personal will.
His energies are wasted, poise is lost,
and practically all the actions of the mind are misdirected;
to try to control anything in such a state would, therefore, be useless.

To avoid becoming angry under every circumstance,
do not permit the actions of the mind
to move outwardly against anything when antagonized,
but direct all the forces of the mind inwardly at once.
This will prevent the antagonistic attitude,
and so long as there is not antagonistic attitude
there will be no feeling of anger.
Waste no time in trying to prove that the beliefs of others are inferior;
instead, use all your time and energy in proving,
through actual and tangible results,
that your own ideas are in fact superior.

When we resist we lose energy.
All fighting attitudes are wasteful;
even what is called righteous indignation
destroys just as much vital power as ordinary anger,
and anger usually empties the system
of all the energy it has at the time.
The same is true, in varying degrees,
of all antagonistic attitudes, arguments, disputes and disagreements.

To argue with anyone is a mistake,
no matter what the circumstances may be.
Nothing is every gained through arguments or disputes,
where mind is arrayed against mind;
but much is lost because all such attitudes 
scatter force to a startling degree.

To antagonize or criticise others
or to try to tear down the success of others,
is finally, to bring yourself down.

Any desire of purpose on your part
to tear down any system, person or enterprise
will tend, directly to weaken and disintegrate your own mind.

The critical attitude, the resisting attitude, the antagonistic attitude -
all such mental states have the tendency to cause the person
to be misdirected or sidetracked, so to speak,
where he will be in a false position.
Accordingly, he will not get what is really his own,
but will get what he does not want.

It is no sign or superiority to criticise or antagonize inferiority.
The greater does not have to fight the lesser;
it is only necessary for the greater to appear on the scene,
and not one will pay attention to the lesser any more.

Words that express whines, discontent, sarcasm, aggressiveness
and the like are destructive;
so much so, that no one can afford to employ them
under any circumstances whatsoever.

To complain at any time or under any circumstances
is a misuse of the mind.

No one can afford to give expression
to a single word that may tend to wound.

We cannot improve disagreeable things
by making ourselves disagreeable.
Two wrongs never make a right.

It is not enough to drop a disagreeable thing from your hands;
you must also drop it from your mind.