
The real meaning of self-help is the whole self applied.

You help yourself,
in the best and largest meaning of the term,
when you seek to apply your whole self;
when you seek to be and do all that is in you to be and do.

It is how well you apply yourself and help yourself
that determines what your life,
your achievements and your possessions are to be.

You are not helping yourself
unless you are helping yourself to become more;
and you are not helping yourself to advance
unless you are constantly increasing that faculty in yourself
that has the power to produce advancement.

Everything that is in you should be applied
with the view of promoting your own advancement.

That would be self-help in the fullest and largest sense of that term.

You cannot help yourself in the fullest extent
unless you crown yourself absolute monarch of your own domain,
and take full possession of it
all in the spirit of unconditional mastery.

You would, in this manner,
not only become larger, more competent and more useful to yourself;
you would also become a greater power for good in the world.

When you neglect to help yourself
you will grow less in power and usefulness;
you will weaken and become a negative ineffective entity,
regardless of how good your intentions may be.