
Man is inherently complete master over his entire domain.

Before man can gain the power to master forces and things,
he must gain the power to master himself.

Though mastery implies the mastery of everything,
the fact must not be forgotten
that the mastery of the without
is simply an effect of the mastery of the within.

The mastery of self can only be attained
through the control of the inner side
of mind, consciousness, thought and action;
and to control the inner side constantly,
the whole of attention must be given to the inner side.

It is through the perfect expression of the inner self
that you will gain the power to master the outer self.

We attain the mastery of self
by eternally bringing forth a superior self.

The purpose of self-mastery is the attainment of superiority;
to employ all the elements of being in such a way
that perpetual growth becomes the principal factor in existence.

The mastery of self implies the power to make the greatest and best use of self
and to exercise this power is the real purpose of mastery.

The true purpose of self-mastery is to make yourself more perfect,
more competent and more useful.

The purpose of self-mastery is to make all of life
just as high as our highest vision of the ideal;
and we have attained mastery
when we can make everything in life
become exactly what we wish it to be.

The purpose of self-mastery is to give the mind the power
to make the fullest and the most perfect use
of all the fits that one may possess now;
to be be one's best in every sense of the term,
at all times, and under all circumstances;
to fulfill the purpose of life thoroughly during every passing moment;
to love a larger life, a better life and a more beautiful life every day;
to be all that one can be now, and to do all that one can do now;
to bring forth continually the very best that may exist in the great within,
and to use that best in such a way that the very best will always come to pass.

To master yourself is to cause all things in yourself
to enter their true sphere of action.

Mastery is to have the power to cause this inner source 
to bring forth into the personal self
whatever we desire to have expressed through self.

To master self is to have the power to produce any effect desired
in any part of the mind or body.

When we can cause the self to be what we wish it to be,
and do what we wish it to do,
at any time and under any circumstance,
then it is that we have gained mastery of self.

To master self is not to try to control self,
but to perpetually transform self;
it means continuous advancement to every part of the being of man;
it is the elimination of evil through a constant growth
in the realization of the good;
it is overcoming the imperfect by creating the perfect;
it is the passing out of the lesser through the passing into the greater;
it is the prevention of retrogression
through the perpetual promotion of progression.

Growth in mastery will awaken new forces, new states of consciousness
and new possibilities.

The mastery of self is an attainment that has no end.

To master oneself means to direct
all the elements, forces, functions and faculties in the system
for the purpose of promoting their natural activities
to the highest degree of perfection.

To master the forces of the system,
the principal object in view
is to gain power to accumulate those forces in any part of mind or body
where important work is to be done now.

Realize fully that you are the supreme master
of all the forces in your system.

We master any particular part of the system
when that part is made to perform its true function
under all sorts of conditions;
and we further master the same part
when we have trained it to perform its function
much better than it ever did before.

When any force has been made constructive
and constructive only,
then you are the master of that force.

The mind is by right the master over the body.
Therefore, the stronger the mind becomes,
the greater becomes your power to master and regulate
every part of your body.

In the mastery of faculties,
the purpose must be expansion and enlargement of conscious action.

You can master a natural function
when you can cause that function to perform its work perfectly
under all sorts of conditions,
and thereafter, to continue to further perfect
the perfection of its perfect work.

You have attained mastery
of the the forces and elements of your being
when you have caused all of these to work together constantly
for the higher development of your entire self.

To master oneself means to direct 
all the elements, forces, functions and faculties in the system
for the purpose of their natural activities to the highest degree of perfection.

The idea of mastery is perfect action of all things at all times,
regardless of circumstances or events.

When you believe yourself to be a master over yourself,
a master over your conditions,
a master over your attainment and achievement,
you will gradually gain mastership over all those things.

Continue to possess your whole mind
and you will master the situation whatever it may be.

The mastery of environments, circumstances and external things,
naturally follow when one has mastered himself.

The expression of supreme power through every part of the self
constitutes the mastery of the self.

The positive mind has the power
to think whatever it may want to think,
and this is the real secret of the mastery of self.

He alone can master himself who can master his mind;
and he alone can master his mind
who can think what he wants to think,
at any time and under any circumstance.

The master mind can change his thought whenever he so desires.

The master mind changes his thoughts, ideals or desires
by imaging upon the mind the exact likeness of the new ideas, new thoughts 
and the new desires that have been selected.

The secret of the master mind 
is found wholly in the intelligent use of imagination.

To master the creative power of thought
is to master the personal self;
and to master the personal self is to master fate.

To master thought is to master fate;
but thought cannot be mastered
until the mind acts exclusively upon the principle
that man is inherently complete master over his entire domain.