Replace With the Opposite

No mental state or tendency can be removed
unless it is displaced by its exact opposite.

The letting go of the inferior
and the appropriation of the superior
are one and the same process.

The proper course is to build up the right
and the wrong will disappear of itself.

When the good develops the bad disappears.

We cannot cease the consciousness of the lesser
until we gain consciousness of the greater.

We can withdraw consciousness from any place
when we are able to direct consciousness
to that which is the reverse.

If there is anything in our nature therefore that we wish to change,
we should simply proceed to build up what we want
and forget completely what we wish to eliminate.

The proper course to pursue
is to forget completely what you desire to remove;
refuse to think of it;
when tempted to think of the matter
turn attention upon the opposite qualities, desires or tendencies.

The only way that you can remove that desire
is to begin to desire something of an entirely opposite nature,
and continue to repeat that desire
until you have trained the subconscious
to give its life and power to the new desire instead of the other one.

That which is inferior will disappear
when we produce the superior and not until then.

When the greater is built up,
the lesser will either be removed
or completely transformed and combined with the greater.

Remove the imperfect by resolving the mind
into the consciousness of the perfect.

The imperfect will not pass away
until we create something better to take its place.

The mind that is constantly creating the larger and the better
will hardly be aware of the imperfect in his life
because the imperfect is constantly passing away
with the ceaseless coming and upbuilding of the more perfect.