to give in to any undesirable feeling.
Every uncontrolled feeling wastes energy.
Whenever we give way to our feelings, we become weak.
Every individual should train himself to feel the way he wants to feel,
and this is possible if he will direct his attention to something desirable
whenever undesirable feelings come up.
Whenever any feeling comes up in the system
ask yourself it you want it.
If you do not turn your attention in another direction.
Whenever you feel the way you do not wish to feel,
begin to think deeply and in the most interesting manner possible,
of all those things you wish to accomplish.
If you can throw your soul, so to speak, in those new directions,
you will soon find those undesired feelings disappearing completely.
Through such practice he will soon get full control of his feelings
that he can always feel the way he wants to feel,
no matter what the circumstances may be.