is the result of...wrong thinking or wrong living.
Disease come from a violation of one or more of the laws of life,
therefore it can be cured only by bringing mind and body
back into harmony with those laws that have been violated.
False beliefs, created by the outer mind,
are the causes of the conditions of disease that fill the body.
Nature renews your body every few months
and there is no natural process of decay in the system.
If your system decays, you yourself have created the process of decay,
either through mental or physical violation of natural laws,
and by permitting those violations to become permanent tendencies.
An inactive or sluggish condition of the system
should never be permitted for a second,
because it not only means a loss of energy,
but it indicates that disease of some kind is brewing.
When there is a diseased condition in any part of the body,
that part is usually burdened and clogged with waste material;
and as a rule, all that is necessary to remove the disease
is to remove the waste material.
When threatening symptoms appear,
eat less, drink more water, breathe more,
move to the sunny side of life,
have abundance of faith in the supremacy of the good,
and give yourself substantial metaphysical treatments every hour or two.
Whenever you feel symptoms of any form of ailment,
do not give in to them.
Control yourself so perfectly that you scarcely feel them,
and that you suffer no inconvenience.
There is no one thing that will do so much
toward restoring of health in any part of the body
as to increase the circulation in that part;
and this is especially true when the increase of circulation
is produced directly through the conscious use of the power of thought.
No disease can gain a foothold in the system
so long as vital energy is full and strong,
and no disease can long remain in the system
after a decided increase in vital energy has begun.
All healing is the result of mental change.
Mental change is the real secret of all healing.
The mental change, however,
must be towards higher and finer states of thought.
Every upward mental change
will unfailingly produce a change for the better in the body.
The ascending change of mind is the secret of all healing.
regardless of what the treatment may be.
The great secret of healing, therefore, is to change the mind
from a state of confusion, disorder and false action
into a state where the absolutely good is realized
to be real, omnipresent and eternal.
We should always think of the power of thought
as the one principal healing power.
Thought can change anything in the human system.
Pain or even severe disease
will disappear instantaneously
when consciousness is fully and completely
taken into another sphere of thought or action.
Any physical disease
can be absolutely removed by the right thought,
provided there is enough power in that thought.
All diseases can be permanently removed
by training the subconscious to give a full and constant expression of health.
The subconscious mind...
having limitless power in every part of the body...
can readily banish any disease when properly directed to do so.
It is subjective thought that produces the change of mind;
and it is the change of mind that heals;
but whether the subjective thought is strong enough
to produce the necessary change of mind,
depends upon how much spiritual power the mind contains at the time.
Deeply desire the subconscious to fill every atom of your body
with added life and energy.
Imagine you are feeling this added energy come forth from within
and accumulating in every part of your system.
When these finer and more penetrating forces are fully awakened,
all that is necessary is to concentrate the mind
upon that part of the body that is not in health,
and to deeply desire health;
the finer forces of thought will penetrate that part of the body
and consume everything that is wrong.
Every unpleasant sensation in the physical system
can be removed by refining the vibrations
in those parts where the sensations are felt;
and the vibrations of any part of the system will be refined
when attention is concentrated upon the finer forces
that permeate those parts.
To remove physical pain or disease,
concentrate attention upon the finer consciousness
of that part of the body where the pain is felt.
Do not think of the body itself, nor the ailment,
but cause the mind to enter into the finer elements and finer forces
that permeate that part of the body where the adverse condition appears.
While in the attitude of concentration,
use the will in drawing all the forces of that part of the body
provided there is enough power in that thought.
All diseases can be permanently removed
by training the subconscious to give a full and constant expression of health.
The subconscious mind...
having limitless power in every part of the body...
can readily banish any disease when properly directed to do so.
It is subjective thought that produces the change of mind;
and it is the change of mind that heals;
but whether the subjective thought is strong enough
to produce the necessary change of mind,
depends upon how much spiritual power the mind contains at the time.
Deeply desire the subconscious to fill every atom of your body
with added life and energy.
Imagine you are feeling this added energy come forth from within
and accumulating in every part of your system.
When these finer and more penetrating forces are fully awakened,
all that is necessary is to concentrate the mind
upon that part of the body that is not in health,
and to deeply desire health;
the finer forces of thought will penetrate that part of the body
and consume everything that is wrong.
Every unpleasant sensation in the physical system
can be removed by refining the vibrations
in those parts where the sensations are felt;
and the vibrations of any part of the system will be refined
when attention is concentrated upon the finer forces
that permeate those parts.
To remove physical pain or disease,
concentrate attention upon the finer consciousness
of that part of the body where the pain is felt.
Do not think of the body itself, nor the ailment,
but cause the mind to enter into the finer elements and finer forces
that permeate that part of the body where the adverse condition appears.
While in the attitude of concentration,
use the will in drawing all the forces of that part of the body
into the finer vibrations,
and desire, with deep feeling,
to realize the health and the wholeness
of this finer life into which the mind has entered.
To control the finer forces of the system
is to control all the organs and functions of the system,
because it is the finer forces - also termed the subconscious forces -
that govern everything in the human system.
We cannot be in a condition of ill health
while we are in a state where all is well.
When the system is full of life and energy,
and desire, with deep feeling,
to realize the health and the wholeness
of this finer life into which the mind has entered.
To control the finer forces of the system
is to control all the organs and functions of the system,
because it is the finer forces - also termed the subconscious forces -
that govern everything in the human system.
We cannot be in a condition of ill health
while we are in a state where all is well.
When the system is full of life and energy,
there can be no sickness,
any more than there can be darkness
in a room that is full of light.
As we are no longer in darkness when we enter the light,
we are no longer in sickness
when we enter absolute spiritual health.
There can be no disease in that which is spiritual.
It is the power of spirit that heals;
the spirit will heal whenever we enter into the spirit.
The moment we feel health and strength in the spirit of the body,
health and strength will begin to come forth;
the turn for the better will come that very hour;
if our faith is strong, we shall be restored instantaneously,
but in any event we will be made every whit whole.
Enter into the truth - into the very spirit of truth,
and you are healed absolutely.
Since spirit is health and wholeness,
perfect health and wholeness must manifest
wherever the power of the spiritual is expressed.
To place ourselves in the consciousness of the spiritual attitude
is the secret of the highest and most perfect form of healing.
any more than there can be darkness
in a room that is full of light.
As we are no longer in darkness when we enter the light,
we are no longer in sickness
when we enter absolute spiritual health.
There can be no disease in that which is spiritual.
It is the power of spirit that heals;
the spirit will heal whenever we enter into the spirit.
The moment we feel health and strength in the spirit of the body,
health and strength will begin to come forth;
the turn for the better will come that very hour;
if our faith is strong, we shall be restored instantaneously,
but in any event we will be made every whit whole.
Enter into the truth - into the very spirit of truth,
and you are healed absolutely.
Since spirit is health and wholeness,
perfect health and wholeness must manifest
wherever the power of the spiritual is expressed.
To place ourselves in the consciousness of the spiritual attitude
is the secret of the highest and most perfect form of healing.