
Think health and talk health to yourself constantly.

Refuse to talk about disease or think about disease.

Think constantly that you are well
and never permit yourself to think anything to the contrary.

Fill the subconscious with every manner of with health,
and the subconscious will fill the body with every manner of health.

To be true to life is to be well.

There can be no sickness in the body
so long as we live in the life of health.

The stronger the mind becomes,
the stronger the body will become.

Any physical malady must eventually disappear
if we continue to hold in mind
a perfect picture of health and wholeness.

When the mind is full of health,
every cell in the body will possess health.

When the mind is perfectly well,
the body will also be perfectly well.

As the mind is, so is also the body,
therefore when the entire mentality,
conscious and subconscious,
is clean, strong, wholesome and well,
the entire body will also be well.

Think of yourself as being absolutely and permanently well.

When you know you can fill your body with absolute health,
you are no longer in bondage to disease.

Have faith in your own power
to produce and maintain perfect health.