of the mind's subconscious thoughts.
Subconscious thought is the fundamental cause
of everything that exists or transpires
in the personal nature of man.
Whatever we become conscious of
we will express in the personality.
The personality is an instrument, not a final product,
and can be changed, modified or perfected
to suit the advancing requirements of man.
A personality with soul
is a personality where the soul has begun to express itself
to a much larger degree than usual.
To unfold the greatness of mind and soul,
a personality must become
a more and more perfect instrument of expression.
The great change begins, however,
when we step over the border,
and proceed to direct consciousness
to function more and more upon the spiritual side;
for the truth is, that the moment consciousness
begins to function in that higher realm,
the coming forth of the spiritual elements and powers
will being in no uncertain manner.
Accordingly, from that time on
there will be steady increase in the power of mind, character,
physical existence and the life force in general.
The great influx from the soul will proceed,
and the personality will be filled more and more
with life and power from above.
The conditions of the personality
are the direct effects of the state of mind;
therefore, the conditions of personality
will always be true, good and perfect
so long as the states of the mind are true.
are the direct effects of the state of mind;
therefore, the conditions of personality
will always be true, good and perfect
so long as the states of the mind are true.
When the soul is fully and completely expressed in the personality,
the physical or visible side of life
will be filled with light and the power of the spirit;
and the more perfectly we understand this truth,
the more fully we realize that physical weakness,
as well as weakness of character of mind,
will naturally disappear as we advance in the expression of soul
through the life of the personality.
We have the power inherently within us,
so that we can make this personality a masterpiece if we so desire.