Personal Will

The outer personality has no real will power.

What is usually termed the personal will,
that is, that something that we employ when we try to rule or domineer,
is not will-power in any form;
the personal will is nothing but the misuse of mental forces.

To feel a desire to rule, control, antagonize or resist,
means that the true will is not recognized,
and that the mind is permitting itself to be led by inferior imitations.

Practically all the mistakes of the world
come originally from the tendency of the mind
to follow imitations of the will
instead of the real will itself.

The leading purpose of the personal will
is to change things in the without;
to try to make over what has already been created.

In brief, the ordinary will-power is simply a meddler,
and is engaged principally in the work of interference,
trying to prevent persons and things from being themselves.