Soul Awakened

The soul should be and, in truth is, 
the ruling principle in the human domain.

Every awakened soul does lay positive hold, more and more, 
upon this divine prerogative.

The awakened soul therefore soon comes to a place 
where the absolute right to govern life and destiny is fully recognized;
and at that period the need of higher power becomes very great indeed.

When the awakened soul arrives at this, the parting of the ways,
and learns that life can no longer drift with the stream,
but must be directed, with wisdom and power
towards the supreme goal of the illumined spiritual heights -
when the soul comes face to face with this astounding truth,
the desire for the necessary wisdom 
and the necessary power becomes invincible.
And there is no rest until this indispensable need is supplied.

They have awakened to the need of higher power,
but have not gained conscious possession of that power.
They have entered the responsibility and privileges of a higher life,
but have not gained the necessary power 
to partake of the privileges or meet the responsibilities.
Their spiritual sight is opened,
and they can clearly see the supreme goal of human destiny,
but they have not the power 
to press on towards those sublime and radiant heights.
They have awakened to the true meaning of life,
but have not the wisdom or the power 
to live according to the higher light they have received.

We may know that we live and move and have our being
in an infinite sea of pure spirit;
but we may not feel the presence of the power.
It is the presence of the power that we must feel;
and when we do feel this presence,
then indeed will the pain of the soul disappear.
The great need will be supplied.
The wisdom and power that is required to live the life
will be out of reach no more;
and the soul can begin in earnest to press on 
towards the spiritual goal of glorified humanity.

The soul that is awakened must live on the mountain tops of the spirit;
the joy of the soul is on the heights.

The spirit of the Christ will come to you, in your own soul,
whenever you are spiritually awakened.

We find that an awakened soul never assumes the attitude
of a mere instrument in the hands of Higher Power;
an awakened soul is not a mere instrument 
to be played upon by any power;
and it is not the will of God that any soul should be a mere passive entity,
to be used by outside forces, regardless of the purpose or consequence.
The truth is we are here to work out a wonderful destiny,
and it is only as we do something ourselves, 
and work out this purpose ourselves, that we reach the high goal in view.