
Words are living forces;
they create according to their nature, and they attract their kind.

Every word that is spoken 
exercises a power in personal life,
and that power will work either for or against the person,
depending upon the nature of the word.

Every word is an expression
and every expression produces a tendency in some part of the system.

The words we inwardly feel
are the words that act as turning points in life.

The power of words is immense,
both in the person that speaks and in the person that is spoken to.

You are mentally living with everything that you talk about.

Your words will cause you to move
in the direction indicated by the nature of those words.

The more you talk about a thing
the more you help it along.

All conversation should be so formed
that it may tend to move the mind
towards the higher domains of thought,
and should make everybody more keenly conscious
of the greater possibilities that exist within them.

Our conversation should have an optimistic tendency and an ascending tone.

Our conversation should deal with
the strong points of character
and the greater possibilities of mind.

Our conversation must be in perfect accord
with our ambitions, our desires, and our ideals.

There is no use of talking
if your words are not to be of value in some way.

Never give expression
to what you do not wish to encourage.

Never speak unless you have something to say
that gives cheer, encouragement, information
or wholesome entertainment.

When you have something good to say, say it.
When you have something ill to say, say something else.

No words should ever be spoken
that will bring the person's faults or short-comings
before his mind.

Never mention the dark side of anything.

When things are not right,
state so in a tone of voice that is firm and strong, but kind.

Talk about those things you desire to realize.

Talk only of those things that should live and grow.

Say that life is beautiful,
no matter now things may appear on the surface.

Say that you are strong and well
no matter how the body may feel.

You will thus speak the truth
about the true state of being;
and what you say, you create.

The great essential is to make all speech constructive.

The motive back of every word should be constructive,
and the life expressed in every word
should convey the larger, the better, and the superior.

Every word should proceed
from the great depths of interior being,
and should carry with it
the superior quality and the limitless power
of the greater world within.

Every word should give expression,
not to the emptiness of the superficial life,
but the supreme fullness of interior life,
and should be the voice, not of the outer self,
but of the great, interior self.

Search for the real truth that is at the foundation of all life,
and then give expression to such words
as to convey the full significance of that truth.

Every word should express, as far as possible, the absolute truth.

Every word should have soul - a silent, invincible soul.

Give soul to every word spoken.

Speak gently, calmly, and with deep, serene power.

Speak kindly, gently and with love.
Such speech is the mark of a great soul.

Place yourself, your whole self, your great self
into every word you utter.