Spiritual Power

The Spirit can heal and renew the body,
quicken the mind and set the soul on fire.

To possess spiritual power,
we must be able to function, as least to some degree,
through the elements of inner consciousness.

And the same is true if we wish to respond to such power.
If we wish to be healed by spiritual power,
we must live largely in the world of inner consciousness,
because spiritual power acts only through that world.

If you should wish to gain possession of remarkable spiritual power
to be employed in the emancipation of others,
and for the furthering of your own higher development,
it would be necessary to extend your whole mind
into the wonderful world of inner consciousness.

In brief, you would find it necessary 
to enter so fully into that consciousness
that you could actually feel the tremendous force of the spirit
surging through your entire system,
like a mighty invincible current.
And you would always be conscious of the all-powerful Presence.

When we begin to feel the presence of spirit,
then indeed we shall be able to lay hold upon the power,
and make it our very own.

Feel the presence of the spirit,
and enter into the very life of the higher spiritual power.

The more completely we enter the spirit,
the greater is the power of spirit in us.

When we can feel the presence of the spiritual power,
then we know that we actually have entered into 
the real, interior life of that power;
and the law is, that whatever we enter into,
any measure or state of spiritual power,
that measure of power becomes our own.

The power of the spirit obeys implicitly
the desire of the higher human will.

Whenever we feel the presence of the power,
that power will act for us upon any purpose or goal
towards which the higher will of the soul may be directed.

When we actually feel the power of the spirit,
that power will invariably do
whatsoever we may will it to do,
provided the desires and motives of the will
provided the desires and motivations of the will
are inspired by the pure and lofty aspirations of the soul.

There is but one Source of true spiritual power;
and that Source is the Infinite.

The human soul can give expression to marvelous power,
still all of that power must come from the Supreme.

Depend absolutely upon spiritual power
to carry you through whatever you may undertake to do.

Great souls live constantly
both in the world of outer consciousness
and in the world of inner consciousness.
They are therefore in possession of higher spiritual power at all times,
and may give that power expression in any way desired.

Herein we find the secret of the prophets and the mighty in spirit.
They could feel the presence of this higher power in every fibre and vein;
they could touch it with their hands in the atmosphere all about them;
they could charge their very thoughts with the elements of this power;
they could direct the tremendous forces of this power
into every world they might utter or declare;
and they could, through the use of divine will,
give expression to this power through the hight laws of nature,
and thus perform what, to the world, has seemed miraculous.