Spiritual World

The spiritual world is absolute.

We can find the spiritual world
only by entering into the spirit of the within.

We must enter so deeply in the consciousness
of this omnipresent spiritual world
that we can actually feel the presence of the power
in every element of body, mind and soul.

The spiritual word must become so real to us
that the material world appears to be mist in comparison.

It is the world of spiritual existence,
where the eye is too pure
to see anything but that which is good,
where the mind is too luminous
to know anything but that which is truth,
where the body is too wholesome
to feel anything but that which is health and purity.

When the soul is awakened
to the splendor and beauty of its own sublime existence,
we shall find that this spiritual kingdom is our home now.
Though we may manifest ourselves in the world of things,
we are living in the world of spirit.

Your chief abode is no longer in the body,
but is in the spiritual state of your life.