Spirit Soul Body

The reason why there are imperfect conditions
on the physical side of mind or body 
is because the spiritual expression of life
is only partial in most individuals;
and in a great many individuals 
the spiritual expression is actually insignificant,
so that it can hardly be spoken of as a true expression;
that is, the soul is simply passively alive in a great majority of people,
and really does not express itself or it qualities in any form or manner.
and the cause of this condition is due to the fact
that we have looked upon the body as more real than the soul.

We are subject to physical conditions 
only so long as we continue to believe that the body is more real than the soul.
The very moment, however, that we know absolutely
that the soul is more real than the body,
then the soul will begin to gain mastery over the body;
and when the soul does gain mastery over the body,
all imperfect conditions in the physical life must disappear.

We begin to live in the soul the very moment we realize
that the soul is more real than the mind or body.
It is in this very place that we find 
the parting of the ways of life of every individual,
or the beginning of a new order of things in the world of an individual.

When we consider our past consciousness,
we remember that our conscious existence 
was concerned almost entirely with the outer life of the personality;
that is, we rarely lived in the body, 
and looked upon the soul as a vague something
that no one could understand.
We could consciously feel the existence of the body,
but we did not have any conscious realization of the existence of the soul.
We possibly believed that we had a soul, but it was merely a belief;
and we did not possess sufficient conscious realization of the spiritual life
to prove to ourselves that such a life had actual existence.

You are beginning to feel inwardly that you are a soul,
and you are beginning to live consciously in the soul world.
Your chief abode is no longer in the body,
but is in the spiritual state of your life.
You have moved, literally speaking,
form the external to the internal or from the lower to the higher;
and you are now living, actually and truly, in the higher.
The result is that you are giving expression 
to the elements and powers that exist in the higher;
and as a consequence, you are finding that physical conditions
are changing to respond more and more perfectly 
to this expression of finer life from above.

We cannot give expression to the powers of the soul,
and to the superior qualities of the soul,
unless we live in the soul.
So long as we live in the body,
we have to depend exclusively 
upon material conditions, material forces and material things;
but the moment we begin to live in the soul,
we become actually conscious of the greater powers
and higher qualities that exist in the soul;
and whatever we become conscious of,
that we invariably express in the personality.

When you are conscious on the spiritual side,
you awaken spiritual activity;
and when you awaken spiritual activity,
you cause the expression of spiritual life and spiritual power,
and in fact, the expression of everything 
that pertains to the wonders of the spiritual world.
You have taken conscious possession of that higher, richer life,
and have begun to bring forth that life into every part of your entire being.
Thus your entire begin will be lifted up, perfected, made better and higher,
and existence itself, on all planes, more beautiful and more enjoyable.

We must invariably come the conclusion
that if we should actually live for a number of years 
on the spiritual side of our consciousness,
the spiritual expression of everything pertaining to the soul 
would become so strong 
that it would be impossible for adverse conditions to ever find place in the body.

We can live continually on the spiritual side of consciousness,
and at the same time give full justice 
to everything that may demand our attention on the tangible side.
Besides, the more perfectly we live in the spiritual,
the more life and power we will give to the body,
due to the fact that greater spiritual activity in consciousness
will arouse a greater abundance in life;
and the more life we have, the more power, the more virility,
the more strength and the more harmony we shall have,
and the better will be the health of both mind and body.

The moment we begin to realize that we are spiritual beings,
and begin to live in the soul,
so that we actually feel that we are living upon the spiritual side,
we become conscious of spiritual things;
and the moment we become conscious of spiritual things,
we gain the power to understand spiritual things.