Do not seek the truth; seek the spirit of truth.
The spirit leads into all truth.
So long as we seek the mere mental form of truth,
consciousness will dwell on the outside of truth.
The eye must be single upon The Truth
and wherever we direct attention,
we should attempt to see The Truth
as the soul, the life, the foundation,
the substance, the being, the reality of everything.
Whatever you think of,
ask yourself what the absolute truth
concerning that subject or object would naturally be.
Know the truth - enter into the spirit of truth.
To live in the truth is to dwell upon the truth;
that is, when we are in the spirit of truth
the mind is completely absorbed in the truth;
we are conscious of truth only.
that is, when we are in the spirit of truth
the mind is completely absorbed in the truth;
we are conscious of truth only.
When we are in the spirit of truth
the mind will not be impressed by that which is untruth.
the mind will not be impressed by that which is untruth.
Enter the spirit of truth
and your mind will become as pure as the spirit of truth.
All thought will contain the spirit of truth,
and man, himself, will be the truth in every fibre of his being.
and man, himself, will be the truth in every fibre of his being.
To know the truth
is to live in the allness of the spirit of truth.
Know that to be in the truth
is to be filled through and through
with the limitless power of truth.
To be in the spirit of truth
is to be in the very life of true existence.
is to be in the very life of true existence.
To enter the truth is to find the whole.
When man is in the truth,
the wholeness and the perfection of the truth
will pervade his entire being through and through.
Every part will be true to the truth,
and every element will express the divinity of man.
the wholeness and the perfection of the truth
will pervade his entire being through and through.
Every part will be true to the truth,
and every element will express the divinity of man.
To enter into the truth -
into the very spirit of truth - the world of truth
is to gain that health that is perfect and as endless as truth itself.
Perfect health is inseparable part of absolute truth
and is gained only as the mind enters
into the very life of absolute truth.
Perfect health can come only from absolute truth
and from thinking that gives expression to absolute truth.
Emancipation comes to the body
only when the fullness of the spirit of truth
finds expression in the body.
To live the truth is to live the truth in every atom of the body.
So long as we live truth,
that is, live consciously in the world of truth,
not a fibre in the physical body can ever be sick,
not a single adverse mental condition
can exist in use for a moment.
To live in the world of truth
is to be free from those things that are not the truth.
To live in the world of truth
is to dwell forever in that which is real.