Perfect your nature.
Perfection means full expression.
If you are doing your best now,
you are perfect as far as you have gone -
you are complying perfectly
with your present powers and capabilities;
but as perfection is a continued process,
you will, if you promote this process,
constantly go farther and do better.
To be perfect is to do, be, all that you can be now -
with the ever present conviction
that you can become more and more,
on and on, for an indefinite period.
Think and act towards the perfect,
and picture in mind the perfect as a state of perfection
that contains possibilities of innumerable degrees
of higher states of perfection.
with the ever present conviction
that you can become more and more,
on and on, for an indefinite period.
Think and act towards the perfect,
and picture in mind the perfect as a state of perfection
that contains possibilities of innumerable degrees
of higher states of perfection.