
An affirmation should give expression
to the highest conception of truth that has been attained.

Affirm only those ideas
that the mind feels to be absolutely true,
and then deeply think of them
as being true while the affirmation is being made.

It is true now should be the soul of every affirmation,
and this "soul" should be deeply felt in every fibre of our being.

Everything we affirm with deep feeling
will be impressed upon the subconscious.

Affirm that you are what you wish to realize and express
through body, mind and personality.

Aim to make the act of affirming
the true, the ideal and the wholesome
so perfect that you become a living affirmation
of your own sublime ideals.

Apply Your Whole Self

To apply the whole self literally means
to turn on the full current of your life, ability and power.

Begin the day with a deep, positive determination
to apply all that is in you every moment
and in everything you undertake.

The ruling idea must always be
the full application of the whole self.

Whatever you do,
enter into it with all your mind and heart and soul.

We should make it a practice to express the whole self
in everything we do, think or say.

Make it a point to express
in your every action, physical or mental,
all the life and power you possess.

When you seek to apply more of the self,
proceed to exercise every power, every function,
every muscle, every fibre and every atom of your being.

At all times and under all circumstances
aim to express and apply your whole self.

Whether or not you are to get what you want,
depends entirely upon how much of your whole self you apply.


The forces of individual life are either ascending or descending,
depending on the attitude of mind.

Everything that is met in life
should be met in the ascending attitude of mind.

To follow the ascending scale should be the ruling desire
of every feeling and every thought.

To train all the forces of  mind to move in the ascending scale
is to cause everything that is undesirable in the life of the individual to be outgrown.


The mind always thinks on those things
upon which its attention is fixed.

The good alone deserves our attention.

There is no wrong in the world that demands our attention.

Every unwelcome tendency may be immediately suspended
by calling the mind's attention, at the time,
to something that holds greater and richer possibilities.

Attention should at once be directed upon the opposite good
that exists in the inner world of perfection.

Be Yourself

To express one's own individuality and to be oneself,
the greatest essential is to live real life,
the life that is felt in the depth of inner consciousness.

To bring out all the best that is within him,
man must not merely exist, he must live.
When man actually lives he is what he is and is all that he is.
He does not try to be something else, or someone else.
He does not imitate, but continues to be himself.

Be satisfied to be what you are,
but do not be satisfied to be less than all that you are.

To be yourself,
be all that you are where you are,
and greater spheres of action will constantly open before you.

By having the will to be all that you can be,
you will naturally gravitate into those environments
where your greater ability and power can be turned to practical use.

When one begins to live in the depth of real life,
and begins to draw upon his own inexhaustible self,
he will find that he is so much that there is no end to the possibilities
that exist in his own life and his own world.

Be something, and no matter where you are,
the world will find it out.


What we believe to be real we make a part of our own minds.

We shape our lives largely after those things we believe to be real.

What we accept becomes part of ourselves.

Believe in Yourself

Believe in your whole self,
not simply in a part of yourself.

Believe thoroughly in your greater interior self.

Believe in the vastness and immensity of your whole self.

Believe in every fibre in your body.
Believe in every cell of your brain.
Believe in every talent of your mind.
Believe in every power of your soul.


Look for the best.

Associate with the best.

Desire the best.

See yourself at your best.

Be your best.

Give your best.

Expect the best.

Think of everything as it is while it is at its best.

Make the best of everything.

You are true to yourself only when you are at your best.

When we fail to be our best, do our best, or give our best,
we will fail to receive the best.
Accordingly, we may receive what we do not want.

Growth is retarded when we fail to do our best.

You cannot do your best in any kind of work
unless you give it your whole heart and soul.

Give your best to the world,
and give in greater and greater abundance,
regardless of what the world may give to you.

Give your best every day
and the best will constantly be flowing into your life
in greater and greater abundance.


Expect your body to stay well, to stay strong, to stay young,
and to continue in health, youth and vigor as long as you live.

Expect your body to be well at all times.

Expect your eyes to have perfect sight as long as you live.

Expect every organ in your body to perform its function perfectly.

What you constantly expect your body to become,
you give it the power to become.

You can think almost any state or condition into your system
as you may desire.

Speak well of your body 
and compliment your body on every opportunity.

Give it strong positive suggestions.

Give it the best instructions you can think of.

Continue to praise your body
and it will prove worthy of more and more praise.

Never deny the body anything that will add
to the comfort, the beauty and the richness of physical existence.

Train yourself to think of every organ, every muscle,
every nerve, every cell in your body as possessing intelligence.

Think of every atom in your system as possessing intelligence.

Tell this intelligence what it has the power to do.

Tell this intelligence that it has the power to keep each organ well,
and that you expect it to do so.

Speak to all the organs in your body as if they were intelligent beings.

Educate the intelligence of every organ in your body
as you would educate your own children.

Encourage them all to do their best.

Look upon the organs in your body as constituting one great family,
all working together in perfect harmony.

Think of the body as a divinely formed structure.

Think of the body not as solid matter but as spirit made visible.

The body becomes the consecrated temple of the spirit.

When the mind reflects the wholeness of spirit,
the body becomes as pure, as clear, as refined and as beautiful as the spirit,
and likewise, as strong as the spirit.

Emancipation comes to the body
only when the fullness of the spirit of truth
finds expression in the body.

Bright Side

Do not simply desire the bright side of life.
Live such a life yourself.

Live on the good side, the bright side, the true side of everything.

To live on the bright side
is to increase your own brightness.

When you look at the bright side of things
you develop brightness in yourself.

However dark the dark side may seem to be,
we cannot afford to see anything but the bright side
and no matter how small or insignificant the bright side may be,
we must continue to focus on that side alone.

Believe the bright side will prevail,
and in the midst of darkness
know that better moments are at hand
when the sun will shine again.

Bring Forth

Know that the kernel of your being
can bring forth the mightiest oak of human greatness
that your most inspired imagination could possibly picture.

The beginning may be small,
but perseverance in the right direction will accomplish anything.

You must decide what you wish to have done;
and you must, without fail,
be as great, as good and as wonderful as your wish.

When you make up your mind
to reach a certain goal or accomplish something you have in view,
results will depend directly
on how well you use the real or inner power of desire.
If your determination is succeed is shallow and superficial
you will accomplish but little.
If that determination is as deep as the depths of your own life,
you will arouse the deepest forces of your life,
and these forces are not only powerful but are positively irresistible.

The frame of mind that you desire for the present moment you may have;
if it does not come of itself, you can create it;
you are the master.

The inner life will respond to every need or desire,
provided you believe in the absolute and limitless 
responsiveness of the inner life,
and act with full faith and power - as with a soul on fire.

When you make up your mind in this deeper, stronger sense,
you are bringing out into action the strongest and best that is in you.

Direct your mind to enter positively into the deeper life
of every faculty and power in your being.

A resolve to be genuine must be constant,
and must never waver in the strength of its force and determination.

The one thing that is wanted should be fixed so clearly in thought
that it can be seen with the mind's eye every minute.

Your thought must be of the heart;
it must be deep and strong, and inspired by the invincible power of the soul.

We must be strong enough to be ourselves -
to stand by the best conceptions that we have formed of ourselves,
and of those greater attainments and achievements that we have in view.

While he is making application of his higher views,
and carrying out his superior plans,
he must depend upon his strong individuality.

The center of consciousness in any organ or faculty
may be so strongly individualized that it will respond instantaneously
to any action that may be made by the will.

Every thought you think and every word that you speak
must express what you know to be true.

Persistence is required
and all thought must be concentrated daily upon that one accomplishment.

Continue persistently until the great within begins to respond.

When you begin to get practical ideas on the problems of the hour,
the happy solution is near at hand.

Cause and Effect

We can produce any effect desired
when we understand the causes, and can master those causes.

To secure certain effects we must apply certain causes,
and to this there are no exceptions.
There is no luck anywhere.
If we want results we must do the thing that produces those results.


There is nothing in the nature of man that cannot be changed.

It can be changed;
and to believe this is the first step in that direction.

Change yourself to correspond with the change
you desire in your environment.

Change yourself
and all other desirable changes must positively follow.

Whatever a man's ideals may demand,
he can gradually change himself
and modify his nature to correspond.

To produce the change we desire
we must keep the eye single
upon the mental picture of that change.

We must live in the mental world of that change.

To change himself, man must change his thought,
because man is what he thinks;
and to change his actions, he must change the purpose of his life,
because every action is consciously or unconsciously inspired
by the purpose held in view.

When man undertakes to change himself or his environment
every power in his system must be directed
to so act as to promote that change.
The first power to be so directed is the power of thought.

To change his thought,
man must be able to determine 
what impressions are to form in his mind,
because every thought is creation in the likeness of a mental impression.

The power of such thought will not produce any change in man
unless his personality is directed to live and express
those elements and factors that are contained within such a line of thinking.

When the superior man within is in action,
the will to think and the will to act practically become one will,
and every mental change is followed by a corresponding physical change.

Every mental change must be subconscious;
that is, the change must be a change of heart
or no change in life will follow.

To produce a change in any part of the mind or body
the conscious mind must first create that thought
that has the power to produce the necessary change.
Second, the conscious mind must will
to apply that thought in actual tangible action.
And third, that thought must be impressed
upon the subconscious, or rather,
the subconscious must be directed
to carry that thought into positive action.

If there is anything in our nature that we wish to change,
we should simply proceed to build up what we want
and forget completely what we wish to eliminate.

When the greater is built up,
the lesser will either be removed
or completely transformed
and combined with the greater.

If you have changed your thought,
but find no change for the better in your life,
you may know that it is only your outer thought,
your objective opinions, that you have changed;
the subjective causes remain unchanged.

What we permit to remain as it is
invariably corresponds to certain things
that we permit to remain in our own nature.

No mental change can produce a corresponding physical change
unless the new mental change contains the will to express itself.

Things will always take a turn
when we are determined that they shall.


Character is the proper direction of all things,
and the proper use of all things in the human system.

Character does not mean simply,
obedience to a certain group of laws,
but the power to use properly all the laws of life.

It is through the development of character
that each individual will know for himself
how to live, think and act in perfect harmony with the laws of all life.

The two predominating factors in character are justice and virtue.

In the building of character,
the two principle objects in view
should be the strong and the beautiful.

The two fundamental essentials 
to the development of character
are to know the right and to desire the right.

Character develops through a constant effort
to cause every action in the human system to be a right action;
that is a constructive action.

Character is the power of right action.

To have character is to know the right,
and to be well established in the doing of the right,
that nothing in the world can turn you into the wrong.

To have character is to have the power to promote
what you know to be the purpose of life,
and to be able to do the right when you know the right.

To be right, according the to the viewpoint of completeness,
is to be in harmony with the laws 
of the present sphere of human existence.

It is the one supreme function of character
to make all actions in the human system constructive -
to make every force in the human life a building force.

A true character tries to turn all the energies of the system
into the best and most constructive channels,
and it is the mark of a real character
when all the various parts of the being of man
are working together harmoniously
for the building of greatness in mind and soul.

The stronger the character,
the more keenly one can feel 
that everything is being reconstructed, refined,
perfected and developed into something superior. 


Every child is born with that interior something
which when developed 
can produce remarkable ability, extraordinary talent and rare genius.

If the child mind is sensitive, 
it is evident that there is greatness there

To build strength and character in the young mind,
we must fill that mind constantly with thoughts 
of virtue, purity, goodness, truth, beauty and aspiration,
and we must avoid absolutely everything 
that tend to produce adverse impressions.

To be strictly correct in conversation with the child
every sentence should be studied before it is uttered,
not only in answering their strange questions,
but also in correcting their tendencies to do
what is not conducive to their welfare.

We may talk to a child in about the same way 
that we would talk in a scientific or ideal manner to another adult
only using more simplicity in our language.
The average child can understand almost anything 
if spoken to in a language with which it is familiar.

Tell the child in the most positive manner that he can understand
the answer to all his questions.

Encourage him to ask about anything that may arise in his own thoughts.

Give him something to think about on the great subject of possibilities.

Encourage him to think more and more about the wonders of his own life.

Explain to him the greater possibilities that exist within him.

Tell him what he has the power to do.

Teach the child that his life is a power in the world.
Let him feel that there is something exceptional within him
what will be of great value, not only to himself, but to the entire race.

He will soon begin to feel responsibility and will wish to know 
how best to carry out the purpose of his life.

Give an upward tendency to all that you say to the child,
and give him an opportunity to enquire 
into all the vast domains of nature, visible or invisible.

Help him to develop unbounded faith in that higher power within.

Tell the child what should be done and why.
Never tell a child to do thus and so
without giving a good, sound, logical reason.
And no person should ever be commanded; the child least of all.

Say nothing that will make him feel that he is inferior or limited,
or in any way depraved in character.

We should never impress inferiority upon the mind of any child,
for of all impressions, this to avoided with the greatest of care.

The principal idea in all child training 
is to keep the superior in the foreground,
and to forget as far as possible the weak elements in his nature.

Help him to overcome his weakness
but constantly emphasizing his real strength and his real worth.


Every circumstance you meet contains something for you.

The principal essential in the midst of circumstances
is to control the mode of thinking.

Be absolutely calm and controlled under every circumstance.

Control yourself under all circumstances.

He must control himself in the midst of circumstances
before circumstances will respond to his control.

To control circumstances,
the principle is to establish in yourself
what you wish your circumstances to be.

When we meet circumstances of any description,
we should never resist the undesirable elements, if there be any;
nor find fault with the deficiency.


Concentration is general may be defined as an active state of mind
wherein the whole of attention, with all available energy and talent,
is being applied upon the one thing that we are doing now.

The real purpose of concentration
is to draw all the available forces of the system
into that faculty that is required
in the promotion of the object at hand.

We concentrate in the full meaning of the term
when we give ourselves completely
to the thought or action of the present moment;
and this is true whether we work with muscle, brain or mind,
or express ourselves through thoughts, words or emotion.

In concentration, attention is always under complete control
of the conscious desires of the mind,
and can be focalized anywhere for any length of time,
or changes to any other point instantaneously,
with out the slightest use of forced mental action.

To concentrate successfully
we must direct and focalize all the creative energies of the mind
upon the subject of concentration.

Concentration implies undivided attention,
and full mental action where the attention is directed.

When we concentrate well
we may, at will, cause all the available energies of mind and personality
to work together, with full capacity, upon the work at hand.

The act of concentration tends not only to apply effectively
all available energy of mind and personality;
but tends to draw forth latent energies.

Real concentration becomes in the mind
a remarkable force of attraction -
attracting to itself unused and latent energies
from all sources in the mental world.

In the art and science of concentration,
it is the deeper forces and the finer energies of mind and personality
with which we deal directly;
and therefore we increase the power of concentration
as we acquire the ability to take up and control those forces at will,
and according to our purpose or desire.

We literally turn on the full current of mental and personal energy -
not only the full current of what we may feel on the surface of thought -
but all that we can arouse in deeper consciousness,
and bring forth from the great self within.

We can, through a highly developed concentration,
turn the full light of the mind
on any subject, circumstance or situation.

Concentration develops a penetrating tendency -
a tendency to lead the mind out of the usual
and on into the unknown.

Mental action, when perfectly concentrated,
tends to go farther and farther into the life, substance and principle
that is acted upon at the time.

The solution of any problem is locked up in that problem;
and concentration is the key.

Concentrate the mind upon any problem,
and if you concentrate wonderfully well,
you will find the solution.

Real concentration has the power
to break through the shell;
to get beneath the surface;
to get in behind the scenes;
to enter into the very life of the thing,
and thus get hold of bed-rock information.

Positively, we can, through a highly developed concentration,
cause Nature to give up her secrets,
and cause the mysteries of Life to be revealed.

We can through concentration
clear the way for almost any achievement, attainment or discovery
within the range of human life and power.

We can reach any goal, or realize any ideal
when we concentrate perfectly,
and with the full force of a perfect concentration.

The more fully we can concentrate the whole of attention
upon that which we desire,
the sooner it will be realized.

Every individual mind can reach the goal in view,
and accomplish what is desired
if all the power of that mind
is concentrated upon the one thing to be done.

Where we concentrate
we give our life, our thought, our ability and our power.

The moment we lose interest in the subject before us,
that moment we cease to concentrate.

To be able to master the elements and energies of the mind
sufficiently to bring them all together anywhere any time -
this is an advantage for which we would pay almost any price;
but it comes as a natural emolument with the development of concentration.

Concentration is not the result of trying, but of being;
it is a mental state that is what it is,
therefore does not have to try to be what it wants to be.

We concentrate naturally and perfectly
when we are vitally interested.

Where the heart is, there we concentrate.

When you are deeply interested in something
you naturally concentrate upon that something
without making any special effort to do so.

When concentration is natural no effort at all required.


The circumstances and conditions of man's physical world
are the direct or indirect effects
of the active elements in his mental world.

All physical conditions are reflections of mental states.

Every condition in the personal man
is the result of habits of thought.

The actions of the mind are back of all personal conditions.

Our physical and mental conditions
are the results of our states of mind
and our states of mind are the results of our ideas.

Whenever we meet any condition that is not pleasing,
we may know there is something for us to learn.

Every condition that appears in the body,
be it favorable or otherwise,
comes either directly or indirectly from the subconscious;
that is, it may be the direct effect
of a corresponding subconscious cause,
or it may be the effect of external causes
that were permitted to act upon the body
because the true subconscious expression was absent.

As the subconscious mind is,
so are the conditions of the body.

You can talk yourself into almost any condition,
desirable or undesirable.

Any positive mental state
can remove a corresponding opposite physical condition.

Whenever a condition arises that is not wanted
we should imagine the possession of a condition that is wanted;
then try to feel deeply the real nature of this new condition.

Where the physical conditions that you wish to remove are only slight,
enough subconscious power can be aroused to restore immediate
order, harmony and wholeness.

When the condition you wish to remove has continued for some time,
however, repeated efforts may be required to cause the subconscious
to act in the matter.

When consciousness leaves the condition
it has nothing further to live on and will disappear.

One thing is certain,
that if you continue to direct the subconscious to remove that condition,
it positively will be removed.

There can be no darkness in the light;
there can be no false conditions in the truth.

Whenever you find yourself in any adverse condition,
remember you will not come out of it until you grow out of it.

We remove the negative condition
by introducing the positive state;
and the positive state is always the opposite good of that
which is detrimental, inadequate or undesired.

This is how adverse conditions in the system may be mastered;
not by trying to control those conditions,
but by entering into the finer consciousness
and creating there more perfect conditions.

When we know that all physical conditions
are reflections of the mental mirror within,
we are no longer in bondage of conditions;
we know that we can reflect what we like,
and therefore produce any physical conditions we like.

Form in the mind as clear a mental picture as possible
of those conditions you wish to produce in yourself.

Permit no condition in yourself or in your environment
to influence your mind and determine your conduct.

Do not wait for adverse conditions
to spend their force and disappear.
Use that force for yourself.
Turn it to good account.

Live above conditions.

Conscious and Subconscious

We may define the conscious as the upper side of the mentality,
and the subconscious as the underside.

The vast mental world
that lies beneath the within, the world of the conscious mind,
is termed the subconscious.

The subconscious may also be defined as a vast mental field
permeating the entire objective personality,
thereby filling every atom of the personality through and through.

The objective mind is the conscious wide-awake mind
therefore it knows what should be done each moment,
and for that reason is competent to give directions.
The subconscious mind is the creative mind,
therefore it has the power to produce anything that may be required,
and being in full possession of all the underlying forces of the system,
it alone can cause the forces to proceed in action or to cease action.

The voluntary actions of the body
are produced by the conscious side of the mind,
and the involuntary actions
are produced by the subconscious.

The subconscious mind controls all the natural functions of the body,
such as circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation, physical repair, etc.
It also controls all the involuntary actions of the body,
and all those actions of mind and body that continue their natural movement
without direction from the will.

Whenever anything has been repeated a sufficient number of times
to have become habitual, it becomes second nature,
or rather a subconscious action.

The subconscious has the power to make any change in the human system
that it is directed to make,
and the objective mind has the power to direct the subconscious
in any way that may be desired.

The conscious and subconscious sides of the mind
should be placed in the most perfect harmonious relations,
so that every impression of the conscious mind
may enter deeply into the subconscious
and every expression from the subconscious
may work through the conscious mind
without any restriction or interference whatever.

The more completely the conscious mind is united
with the power of the subconscious,
the more perfectly can the conscious mind impress the subconscious,
and the more thoroughly can the greater power of the subconscious
express itself in external, tangible action.

The mind that has presence of mind
at all times, under all circumstances
is in perfect touch with the subconscious.

Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious

There are three fields of consciousness in the whole mind of man.
The first is conscious, 
that field in which the mind functions during its usual waking activities.
The second is the subconscious,
that field into which the mind enters into more or less during the waking state,
whenever thought or feeling is deep,
and into which the mind enters completely during normal sleep.
The third is the superconscious,
that field into which the mind enters when it takes wings, so to speak,
and ascends to the upper realms of the wonderful mental world.

We may liken the conscious mind to the moving billows on the surface of the sea -
always in action but only on the surface.
We may liken the subconscious
to the deep waters beneath the surface of the sea
and we may liken the superconscious to the vaulted sky above -
seemingly having limitations,
yet in reality being so great in height and so far reaching in extent,
that no limit, so far as we have gone, can possibly be found.

Both the subconscious and and the superconscious exist in the great within,
the one being beneath, and the other being above.


Consciousness permeates every atom in your entire being.

Consciousness is that finer something that permeates the soul of things.
It has neither shape nor form, yet it is in all shapes and forms.

Consciousness invariably tends to enter into those realms
that we think of continually,
or that we think of deeply and with persistent desire.

Wherever you are conscious,
there you awaken activity.

Life and power always go
wherever consciousness goes.

Consciousness can be directed anywhere
by becoming thoroughly interested wherever we wish it to go.

Whatever we become conscious of,
that we invariably manifest in mind and body.

What we become conscious of we invariably express.

The forces of the mind
will create and express every quality or condition
that is held in consciousness.

Every change that actually takes place in consciousness
will produce a corresponding change in the personality.

To refine consciousness 
is to gain a more and more perfect consciousness 
of the soul or spirit of all power.

To be free,
consciousness must not be confined to any one plane,
but must be permitted to encompass all planes.


Know that you can control your own life,
your own body and your own mind
and be determined to exercise that control.

To control your thoughts,
do not try to control those thoughts that you are thinking now,
but use the will in producing a new line of thinking.

To control your feelings,
enter into the finer feelings of the opposite states of feeling.

When you desire a certain thing over and over a number of times,
that desire will soon come of itself;
and it may become so strong that you can hardly control it.

You have trained the subconscious to continue to keep that desire alive;
and, accordingly, that desire will live and grow
regardless of the fact that you may frequently try
to suppress it or destroy it entirely.

To control desires, transmute the forces 
that are trying to express themselves through those desires;
then turn the transmuted energy into those parts of mind or body
where expression may legitimately take place now.

You control the exterior by causing the interior
to become exactly what you wish the exterior to be.

Our object is not to control those things that exist about us,
but to develop those things that exist within us.

We can control only that which we have risen above.

When the self is perfect,
as far as its present requirements are concerned,
it needs no control.

It is already subconsciously controlled
by its state of harmony with the real will.

If it is not doing its work perfectly,
it needs transformation, not control.

In the last analysis,
the control of everything depends on the control of self.

Cosmic Consciousness

The supreme goal of human life is cosmic consciousness;
to live in the cosmic world - the sublime world of the spirit -
this is the dearest desire of every awakened soul.

It is in cosmic consciousness that the fullness of life,
and the divine sweetness of life is realized;
and it is in the cosmic that the soul finds the great climax of every joy in the world.

It is cosmic consciousness that reveals everything that is lofty and beautiful,
everything that is pure and perfect,
everything that is created in the likeness of the Most High.

It is in the cosmic that our yoke becomes easy and our burden light;
it is in the cosmic that we find the love that abides forever,
the power that cannot be measured,
the truth that gives freedom to body, mind and soul,
the wisdom that is luminous as the light of the eternal sun;
and we shall enter the splendor of the cosmic
when we begin to live on the heights.

When we enter the cosmic we find the real sweetness of existence;
the ills and imperfections of life have vanished;
the mind can know no evil, the body can feel no pain.
We are far beyond the clouds of doubt and fear,
because we are in that world where everything is true and everything is good.
We are under the clear sky of Infinite Light,
on the verge of the great beyond,
on the borderland of the limitless,
on the shores of the great eternal sea;
we have found the heaven of perfect bliss,
and every moment is an eternity of ecstasy divine.

When we have been within the pearly gates of the cosmic world,
even but for a moment, life is not the same anymore;
life is no longer mere existence but a sacred something 
that we hold too precious to even mention in spoken words.
It is beyond words, and beyond thought, too great, 
too marvelous, too wondrously beautiful for mind to fathom or tongue describe.

The soul alone can know such a life,
and after we have tasted the fruits of the cosmic,
the meat that we know not of,
nothing less than such a life can satisfy.


Do what you can do now,
no matter how far in advance of this age
such actions may be.

If you are capable of greater things today,
you owe it to the race to demonstrate those greater things now.


Desire gives definiteness to the powers we possess.

Whatever a man desires to do,
if he thinks he can, he will develop the necessary power,
and when the necessary power and ability are gained,
the tangible result will follow.

You must decide what you wish to have done;
and you must, without fail,
be as great, as good and as wonderful as your wish.

It is the depth of desire and fullness of desire
combined in an action that is directed continuously upon one thing desired
that constitutes true desire.

Sometimes the force of persistent desire alone may do wonders
but usually it is necessary to apply in combined action
all forces of the human system.

It is necessary that your desire continue uninterruptedly
along the lines you have chosen.

The one thing that is wanted
should be fixed so clearly in thought
that it can be seen by the mind's eye every minute.

The desire must be deep, whole souled, persistent and strong.

Every desire should be deeply felt 
as all deeply felt mental actions 
become subconscious actions.

Whenever we express a desire
we should think of the subconscious 
and combine the thought of that desire
with our thought of the subconscious mind.

To subconsciously desire something
is to make yourself strong enough and able enough
to command, create or attract that something.

You will get what you wish for when all of you is in your wish.

Desire the very best and make that desire so immensely strong
that all things in your life will be drawn irresistibly 
into the currents of that desire.

Desire to do things
with a desire that sets every fibre in being aflame.

Make so wish alive and so thoroughly in earnest
that every atom in your being
thrills with the positive determination to make that wish come true.

Know what you want,
and then want it with all the life and power that is in you.

You will get what you desire
and in the full measure of that desire
when your desire is literally crammed
with all the life and all the power and all the soul there is in you.

Every desire should desire
the largest, the purest, the most refined
and the most perfect expression
that present mental capacity can be conscious of.

The desires of the soul are always true 
and are always in harmony with the greatest good and the highest welfare
of the entire being of man in his present sphere.

Oneness with God -
the deepest desire and the highest aspiration.


The human tends to develop in that direction
where we express out deepest desires, our strongest thoughts and our highest faith.

All desirable changes are due to greater development;
and since thought is creative and does develop,
wherever the creative power of thought is concentrated, 
there development will take place.


If you have made up your mind what you want to do,
say to yourself a thousand times a day that you will do it.

Whatever you make up your mind that you must do,
you will in some manner get the power to do.

Do what the moment demands.

Everything must be done correctly,
and whatever is done should be done
better and better each time.

The more you do and the more you accomplish
the better off the world will be because you have lived.


It is only limitation that calls forth effort -
effort to overcome limitation
and enter the boundlessness.

The personal man lives only in part;
therefore, must work and express effort.
But the soul lives in the all,
and need not express effort.


Have conscious control
over every movement of your emotions.

Every feeling and every joy must be held in poise,
and enthusiasm has its greatest power
when perfectly controlled.

To be moderately emotional is necessary
in order to give deep feeling to thought,
but this emotional feeling must not become
excited, aroused or overwrought;
it must be kept in perfect poise.

Avoid absolutely any emotional excess.


To save energy, to accumulate energy,
to transmute energy, to increase the power of energy
and to concentrate energy -
these are necessary accomplishments if we which to use energy;
and to promote our progress and advancement,
we are required not only to use energy,
but to use energy in an ever increasing measure.

Take good care of the energy you have.
Permit no waste;
but do not permit the least to lie dormant.

Learn to retain what energy we have
and learn to produce more and more
as growth and advancement may demand.

Realize the subconscious mind is the real source of energy
and that the subconscious will invariably respond 
to our conscious directions.

We enter the subconscious mind whenever we go to sleep,
largely for the purpose of gaining a new supply of life, force and energy.

Go to sleep with the expectation of gaining a greater supply of energy. 

The amount of latent energy in the great within is limitless.

The more energy I constructively use in my system
the more energy I generate in my system.

Equal to Every Occasion

We are never called upon to do
what we are not able to do.

They are simply golden opportunities
for you to become what you never were before.

Be glad you have the opportunity
to prove your own power,
and thus elevate yourself thereby.

You have attracted something difficult
because you are able to handle something difficult.

Here is an opportunity
which I have the privilege to embrace.

Train yourself to live constantly in the conviction
that you are equal to every occasion that comes your way.

Whatever your present sphere of action may require of you,
that you are able to do.

You are equal to any occasion
when the whole of your mind is called into action.

You are ready for anything that life may demand of you,
or that your work or position may require.
You are equal to it all.

Depend upon yourself,
proceed in the conviction that you whole self
is equal to every occasion
that may arise in your life or your work.

I can do whatever I undertake to do
and I am equal to every occasion.

Establish right relations between yourself
and every new occasion that you meet.
Accordingly, you will know that you are equal to every occasion;
and when this discovery is made,
you will have remove practically all the difficulties
that may exist in your pathway.

You are equal to every occasion, if you think so;
therefore you should consider it a privilege to prove it.

Prove to yourself that you are equal to every occasion.

Live constantly in the conviction
that you are equal to every occasion you may meet in life.


All minds want the best,
and they will soon know the best
when it is constantly before them as a living reality.

Seeing is believing, as far as the world is concerned,
and therefore they require living examples
of those who have proven the superiority of the better way.

To inspire in others a desire to change for the better is truly noble;
but this you can do only by leaving them alone,
and become more noble yourself.

The best and the simplest way to persuade others
to take advantage of the good that you may have found,
is to prove in your own life,
that what you have found is better.

In every thought, word and action
my ruling desire shall be to enrich, ennoble and beautify existence
for all who may come my way.


What you always expect you get;
therefore expect only what you want.

Desire eternally what you want,
expect eternally what you desire;
and always act as if every expectation were coming true.

Expect the best,
and put forward your best efforts
to make your expectation come true.

Things will work out right
if we constantly expect them to do so.

Expect good things of yourself
and continue to expect such things until they are realized.

Expect all your faculties and powers
to do what you want them to do.

Expect results. Expect growth.
Expect achievement. Expect increase.
Expect a real, substantial, ever-growing success.

Expect everything to go right.
Expect the best from yourself.
Expect the best from everything and everybody.
Expect the results desired.

Expect more; expect much;
expect everything you want;
then live in the absolute faith
that all your expectations will be realized.

In the actual,
all increase should be gradual,
but in your thought expect everything now.


Everything seeks self-expression.
Nothing in nature, visible or invisible,
will have to be forced into expression,
because at the very heart of all things
there is the deep strong desire to come forth and be.

What is within us is constantly pressing for expression.
We do not have to call it forth nor labor so much to bring it into action.
All we are required to do is to permit ourselves to be what we are,
to permit what is within us to express itself fully and completely.

All our expressions must aim to promote
the real purpose we have in view.


...the face, where expressions of mind are the strongest.

A man's face reveals his thought
and we can invariably detect the predominating states 
of the mind that lives in a groove.

When a person changes his mental state at frequent intervals,
no one state has the opportunity to produce and individual clear-cut expression,
and therefore cannot be so readily detected
but where one predominating state is continued in action for weeks or month or years,
anyone can say what that state is,
by looking at the face of him who has it.

Thus we can detect different kinds of disposition,
different grades of mind,
different degrees of character and different modes of living,
and convince ourselves at the same time,
that man, in general, looks, acts and lives the way he thinks.

The mind concentrates more readily upon the face
than upon any other part of the body.

When you concentrate a strong, well-poised expression
through every part of your face,
think deeply what what you are in ability, capacity and power.

If there is a certain part of the face that you desire to have filled out,
concentrate subjectively on that part for a few minutes every hour,
and in a few weeks you will note the desired change.

It is also highly important to give a positive expression to your face at all times,
and to give all the quality and worth you can to that expression.

Give strong facial expression to poise, determination, positiveness and soul.

The proper expression is that expression that inwardly feels great power
and that applies power in perfect poise.

The beautiful face is produced by harmony of mind,
sweetness of thought, love, tenderness, mental sunshine, joy, kindness
and an inward feeling of the Soul of the beautiful.

Train yourself to feel the beautiful in your own soul and consciousness;
then train yourself to express that feeling in your face.

Train you mind to express its very best in every part of your facial expression;
that is, express yourself consciously and feelingly in your face
so that everybody can see you, the real superior You,
by looking at your face.


There are many ways to develop the various mental faculties
through the concentration of thought,
but the most penetrating and the most thorough method
is to persistently and continually think that you can do
what the faculty you wish to develop is created to do.

Whenever we give the whole of mind to any faculty,
that faculty becomes remarkable.


Faith itself is a mental state
that dwells constantly on the borderland of the unknown.

Faith is that state of mind
that always goes up into the higher and more perfect.

Faith sees the heights;
faith know they are there, and can be reached.

Faith is the mind growing into the light.

Faith unites man with the Infinite.

The attitude of faith
is towards the larger, the higher and the superior at all times.

Faith may also be defined
as the mind's ascension into absolute truth.

Faith declares that all things are possible.

Faith is a live conviction.

Faith is always deeply felt.

Faith does not rest serenely
in the acceptance of some thought,
but actually enters into the greater power and the greater life
that is found in the vast spiritual domains of that thought.

Faith makes all things possible
because it awakens the greater, the larger and the superior in man.

It is the nature of faith to enter into and arouse.

Enter into the inner spirit of that faith.

To have faith is to enter the spirit of things,
and to enter the spirit is to enter the power of spirit -
the power of the Supreme -
that power that can do anything 
no matter what the circumstances be.

Faith proceeds to awaken those greater powers
in your larger and higher life
through which the mind may gain the capacity
to do the very things that faith declared could be done.

Faith gives to the mind all the wisdom and all the power
that is necessary to realize the object in view.

You can do anything while you are absolutely in faith,
because while you are in faith you are in a world
where unlimited power is at your command.

We must have unbounded faith
in what we are, what we have, what we can do.

The more faith you have in yourself
the more faith others will have in you.

No matter what we have faith in,
the mere matter of faith will elevate the mind.

Have faith in faith.

His faith must be that faith
that can go out upon the seeming void
and always find the solid rock.

"As your faith is, so shall it be unto you."


The creative forces that are generated in man,
and the cosmic forces that work through man
are fundamental cause of fate.

When we analyze fate,
we find that it has four distinct parts,
each of which comes from its own individual cause.
The first is the creations of nature 
that man has voluntarily entered into;
the second is the creations of the race 
that man as an individual has accepted as his own;
the third is the creations of certain individuals 
to which man has closely related himself;
and the fourth is the creations of the individual himself.

What comes to us comes
because we ourselves have at some previous time sent the invitation.

Everything that happens to a man is the result
of something that he has done or fails to do.
But since both actions and inactions
come from corresponding states of mind
he can make almost anything happen that he likes
when he learns to regulate his thinking.

Man is as he thinks,
and his thoughts are patterned after predominating mental images,
whether those images are patterned after the predominating mental images,
whether those images are impressions suggested from without,
or impression formed by the ego acting from within.
When man permits his thoughts and desires 
to be formed in the likeness of impressions received from without,
he will be more or less controlled by environment
and he will be in the hands of fate,

He will be, consequently, a reflection of the world in which he lives.
He will think, speak and act  as that world may suggest;
he will float with the stream of that world wherever that stream may flow;
he will not be an original character, but an automaton.

Fate is the result of man's being and doing;
a direct effect of the life and the works of the individual.

The fate of each individual person
is the direct and indirect result of what that person is and does.

Fate is created by the powers in man;
therefore, in order to master fate,
man must acquire control over the creative forces in his being.

Since fate is created and not controlled,
all the elements of fate will have to be constantly re-created.

Anyone who wishes to change his fate can do so
by imaging upon his mind a different fate,
and by keeping that image so constantly before mind
that every thought becomes the likeness of the new fate.

When we can create any fate that we may desire,
we have mastered fate; but not until then.

When he transforms every impression received from without into an original idea 
and incorporates that idea into a new mental image,
he uses environment as a servant, 
thereby placing fate in his own hands. 

My life is in my own hands,
and what my future is to be,
I, myself, have the power to determine.


The way we feel inwardly,
that is the way we become outwardly.

We invariably become in the without as we feel in the within.

The way you feel depends upon what you imagine concerning yourself
and what you habitually and subconsciously think about yourself.

All finer forces are controlled by feeling.

Whenever you want to redirect
any force that is highly refined,
you must feel the way you want the force to act.

When you feel the interior fullness of a quality
you develop that quality.

Train yourself to deeply feel
every quality, condition or force you wish to express.

Feel only the way you want to feel,
and then feel it with all the feeling that is within you.

Persist in feeling the way you want to feel,
and permit only wholesome feelings to enter the subconscious.

Continue to feel any desirable quality,
and that quality will become a living power in your nature.

Resolve to feel the way you want to feel under all circumstances,
and you will gradually develop the power to do so.

We should try and feel so deeply about everything that we think or do
that the mind actually enters into the very spirit of the process;
that is, into the undercurrents that determine results
in everything that is being done.

When you feel the way you want to feel
you will look the way you want to look.


We are constantly in the midst of powerful forces.

All the forces of the system are creative.

Every word, every thought and every action
gives expression to certain life forces,
and what those forces will do
depends first upon their original nature
and second upon how they are directed in their courses.

What those forces are in the beginning
depends upon what man created them to be,
and what those forces will unitedly produce
will depend upon whether they are directed by man himself
or left to act aimlessly.

If those forces are not intelligently controlled,
their action will be aimless
and we shall have that confusion
which is otherwise termed adversity.

It is the nature of forces to do things;
they cannot be idle.

Every force that comes, comes to act.
How it is met will determine whether it is favorable or not.

When you meet a force,
you must do something with it or it will do something with you.

Whenever any force changes its vibrations
it becomes a different force.

When we place ourselves in a favorable attitude
toward all the forces that enter the system,
and learn how to direct those forces into favorable channels of construction,
every force that passes through the system will become favorable to us,
no matter where it comes from,
nor how unfavorable it has been before it enters our favorable world.

The forces about you will not obey your will
when you try to control them;
they will follow you and obey you
only when you have become stronger than they.

When you become stronger in your own conscious being
that the forces that are about you,
those forces will obey your will.
For this reason, he who has mastered himself, has mastered the universe.


To forgive is to eliminate the useless,
everything that is not good.

The proper course is to forgive the wrong-doer,
forget the wrong
and then do something substantial to right the whole matter,

The sensible course to pursue
is to forgive everybody for everything,
to drop ills, mistakes, wrongs, disagreeable memories
and proceed to use those laws of life that we understand now
in making life better for everyone now.

Forgive everybody for everything
at all times, regardless of circumstances.

If we can forgive everybody for everything now,
we should do so whether the world in general can do so or not.

When you begin to practice forgiveness on this extensive scale
you will find obstacles disappearing one after the other.

It is just as necessary to forgive ourselves
as it is to forgive others.

When you forgive yourself completely
you wash your mentality completely clean.
You let go of everything in your mental system that is not good.
You emancipate yourself completely.

Forgive everybody, including yourself, for everything.

Whatever you have held against yourself or others
you now drop entirely out of your mind.

Forgive the imperfect,
and with heart and soul desire constantly the realization of the perfect.

The greatness of the soul can begin to come forth
only when we have completely forgiven everybody for everything.

Forgiveness is a necessity
to the true life, the emancipated life, the superior life, the ideal life.


The very first principle in life
is to give everything the freedom to be what it is.

In order that we may enter that attitude
wherein we naturally give all things the freedom to be themselves,
we must permit both the perfect and the imperfect to be what they are.

Things will do that which they are created to do when left to themselves;
and since everything has the inherent right to be itself, and itself only,
we cannot try to make them do or be different without violating the law of freedom.

Nothing can be its best
unless it is given the freedom to be itself,
its true and complete self.

Garden of the Mind

We may liken the conscious mind
to the sower, the tiller of the soil
in the great mental garden;
we may liken the subconscious
to the fertile soil in which every seed is placed -
where every seed, that is everything we think, say or do,
is to grow, develop, multiply itself, come forth and express itself
in the outer world of actual living and being.
And we may liken the superconscious to the sunlight from above -
the great power from higher realms coming down upon the mental garden
with its warmth, its light, and its life-giving elements,
so that every seed in the garden may grow freely
and develop into the full grown flower
of understanding, character and spirituality.

The conscious mind is always the sower of the seed.
The mind we use in our daily wide awake experiences
is the mind that selects the seed
and that places every selected seed in the subconscious field.

As we are fully awake when using the conscious mind,
and have full control over its actions,
we can select whatever seed we may desire,
thereby determining absolutely what we would reap -
what we would become - what we would have for our future.

We must sow now to reap in the days to come;
but how well we are to reap
will depend entirely upon the seeds we select now,
and the ways we cultivate the soil now.
Select the best seeds in the present,
cultivate the seeds according the the best science in the present,
and you need never be disturbed about the future.

If the conscious mind - the sower,
does not make a wise selection of seed,
there will be thornbushes and other objectionable growths in the mental garden
because the subconscious gives its fertility to every seed,
and the superconscious gives its light and life to every seed,
be it good or otherwise.

What we sow, we reap,
and the subconscious is the field,
wherein everything may grow and flourish.

The subconscious is the garden of the mind
and will promote the growth of any kind of seed,
be it good or otherwise.

Since the subconscious is the field in which every seed is placed
to take root, grow, develop and ripen,
we must cultivate this field both deeply and well.
In brief, our mental actions must not be on the surface only,
but must be deeply felt
so that more and more of the subconscious life and fertility
is liberated for growth and development of every flower in the garden.

It is from the superconscious
that we receive the sunshine required for the growth of this garden
and therefore our mental sky must be clear.

The clouds of doubt, fear, ignorance, misunderstanding and materiality
must be removed completely,
so that the great sun of truth may send its life-giving rays
upon every flower and tree growing in this remarkable garden.

It is materiality that is the heaviest cloud -
that attitude of the mind that closes all consciousness to the light from above,
and dwells only in the contemplation of the earth, the earthly.

It is from the superconscious that we receive the sunshine required
for the growth of this garden; and therefore our mental sky must be clear.
The clouds of doubt, fear, discontent, ignorance, misunderstanding and materiality
must be removed completely,
so that the great sun of truth may send its life-giving rays 
upon ever flower and tree growing in this remarkable garden.
And it is materiality that is the heaviest cloud -
that attitude of the mind that closes all consciousness to the light from above,
and dwells only in the contemplation of the earth only.

If we would receive the full light of the sun of wisdom and truth,
and thus expand our minds perpetually 
in the realization of greater light in all ways,
we must turn the mind fully upon the vastness of the superconscious world.

Give Your Self

Give yourself, your largest self, your whole self,
to your life and your work.

Give your whole self to your life, to your thought,
to your purpose, to your work;
and know that the more you give of your whole self
the greater becomes your power to apply your whole self.

To give one's life is to express in thought, word or action
everything of worth that one may possess in mind or in soul.

Giving and Receiving

Giving and receiving must be equal in your life.

We cannot expect to receive from others
what we do not wish to give others.

He who actively is much, gives much.

The more we receive the more we can give,
and the more we give the greater our capacity to receive.

The act of giving produces as much joy as the act of receiving,
because both add to the richness of existence.

Before we can live a great life
and receive from the external world
those things that naturally belong to a great life,
we must give forth into real life
more and more of our own inherent greatness.

Before we can receive as much from the world of things
as our largest personal needs and desires may demand,
we must unfold, develop and use those powers and talents
that are necessary to the building of greater and greater things.

To become all that we are destined to become,
we must receive the largest possible measure from every source,
but we cannot receive the largest possible measure from any source
unless we give all we have the power to give
whenever we have the privilege to do so.
And this privilege is ever present.

By placing ourselves in that position
where we can constantly give more and more
and constantly receive more and more,
we not only add more and more
to the richness and beauty and perfection of our own life,
but we become a great power for good in the world.
And that is our highest aim.

The more we give to the whole of life
the more we shall receive from the whole of life.

Do not limit the giving of your greatest self
to any one part or any one group of parts.
Live for the universe
and all that the vastness of the cosmos may contain.


Have a high goal, a definite goal,
and keep the eye single upon that goal.

Know what you want
and what you want to be.

The proper course to pursue
is to determine where we wish to go,
in what direction and when.

The goal we desire to reach
must be so deeply impressed upon the mind
that it is a living inspiration to every thought we think.

Center all your attention upon that goal,
mentally moving in that direction every moment,
and turning on the full current.

Direct the full power of the mind and thought
upon the goal in view.

Focus all your energies on that one supreme goal.
Every force you place in action in your system must aim at that goal,
and must proceed with the definite purpose of helping you reach that goal.

The mind must be determined to reach the highest goal in view,
and should realize that the goal can be reached - that it is being reached.

Imagination should be trained to picture all the forces of the system
moving in harmony towards the goal in view,
and working together for the realization of that goal.

Examine all tendencies of your mind.
All those which are not going the way you want to go must be changed,
while all those that are already going your way
should be given more and more power.

No force of thought or action
must go to the left or to the right.

Never look back, let nothing disturb your plans,
and keep your highest aspirations too sacred to be mentioned.

The desires of such a mind will have the power
to create their own way to their own goal,
no matter how lofty that goal may be.

To reach any desired goal
the doing of certain things is necessary,
but if those things are not done now
they will have to be done later.

Whether a few weeks, a few years, or a life-time
be required for reaching the goal,
he positively will sooner or later reach the goal
if he continues to think that he can.

Greatness Within

Think constantly of the greatness that is within you
and claim it as your own.

We can train ourselves to feel
more and more of the greatness within
and to express more and more of that greatness.

Bring forth continually the very best
that may exist in the great within.

This interior man is the real you
and is infinitely greater and more powerful
than your outer personality.

Act as if you were this great interior man,
think that you are, feel that you are, know that you are;
thus you give the greater you within full right of way
and the real You becomes supreme.

Permit the greatness that is within to have full expression.

The power of the great within is invincible.

Grow into the Good

Think constantly of what you desire and you will grow into it.

Train yourself to grow out of that which is not good
by constantly growing into the greater good;
and we invariably grow into that which we think of the most.

And in all your efforts to grow
into the better, the greater and the more beautiful,
consider the lilies of the field;
grow like the flowers and you will never fail.

The flower resists nothing, antagonizes nothing, works against nothing;
it gently comes out of its gross earthly environment,
and grows on peacefully, silently and serenely
until it becomes an inspiration to all the world.


Life is growth
and the object of right thinking is to promote that growth.

Growth does not come from the passing of time;
growth comes from appropriation.

All growth is promoted
by combining and recombining the elements of life
in higher and higher forms.


It is possible to be harmoniously related to everything in life.

When we constantly aspire and live in harmony with everything,
we enter into true relationship with the better qualities that are latent
in every person or condition with which we come in contact.

To be in harmony is to be properly related
to that with which we may come in contact.

We are in harmony only when we are properly related
to someone else or some thing else.

The best way to cultivate the mental state of harmony
is to adapt yourself consciously
to everything and everybody that you meet.

Feel harmonious and give your attention
to those chief essentials that will promote most perfectly
the best interest of all.

We are in harmony with persons and things
when the two factors or sides concerned can actually work together
for the promotion of some actual purpose.

When we enter into harmony with any circumstance
while we are in an aspiring state of mind,
we call forth the superior qualities of that circumstance.

To be in harmony with everybody
does not necessarily mean to agree with everything.

When two people agree to disagree, and do so harmoniously,
they may continue in just as perfect harmony with each other
as when they agree to agree.

In case you cannot get into external agreement with others,
continue to be internally harmonious.

All that is necessary to agree to disagree
is kindness, character and self-possession.

When things seem to go wrong,
enter into mental harmony with the ideal,
which is always right.
When you are in harmony with the right,
you will go right,
and when you go right, things will go right.

Be in harmony with all persons and all things, at all times.

Express harmony in everything you think, say or do.

Relate yourself harmoniously to all circumstances and conditions.

When the consciousness of harmony is attained,
you have not only the power to change your attitudes
so as to harmonize yourself with everything,
but you also discern instantaneously when to change,
and in what way.

When we are in harmony with everything including ourselves
and refuse to be otherwise,
nothing will ever disturb us.

The mind that is living in continuous harmony
is realizing a great measure of heaven on earth
regardless of his personal attainments or external possessions.

Have To Have It

Declare that you must have it.

Declare again and again you must find a way.

The inner life always responds when we "have to have it."

These things the mind can do, and will do,
if we so demand and desire -
if we are tremendously in earnest -
if we feel that we simply "have to have it"
if we apply this principle
as if our very existence depended upon unquestioned results.

If we proceed with the feeling that we simply have to have it
we will surely get it, and very soon.


The sickness that sometimes appears in the body
is the result of...wrong thinking or wrong living.

Disease come from a violation of one or more of the laws of life,
therefore it can be cured only by bringing mind and body
back into harmony with those laws that have been violated.

False beliefs, created by the outer mind,
are the causes of the conditions of disease that fill the body.

Nature renews your body every few months
and there is no natural process of decay in the system.
If your system decays, you yourself have created the process of decay,
either through mental or physical violation of natural laws,
and by permitting those violations to become permanent tendencies.

An inactive or sluggish condition of the system
should never be permitted for a second,
because it not only means a loss of energy,
but it indicates that disease of some kind is brewing.

When there is a diseased condition in any part of the body,
that part is usually burdened and clogged with waste material;
and as a rule, all that is necessary to remove the disease
is to remove the waste material.

When threatening symptoms appear,
eat less, drink more water, breathe more,
move to the sunny side of life,
have abundance of faith in the supremacy of the good,
and give yourself substantial metaphysical treatments every hour or two.

Whenever you feel symptoms of any form of ailment,
do not give in to them.
Control yourself so perfectly that you scarcely feel them,
and that you suffer no inconvenience.

There is no one thing that will do so much
toward restoring of health in any part of the body
as to increase the circulation in that part;
and this is especially true when the increase of circulation
is produced directly through the conscious use of the power of thought.

No disease can gain a foothold in the system
so long as vital energy is full and strong,
and no disease can long remain in the system
after a decided increase in vital energy has begun.

All healing is the result of mental change.

Mental change is the real secret of all healing.

The mental change, however,
must be towards higher and finer states of thought.

Every upward mental change
will unfailingly produce a change for the better in the body.

The ascending change of mind is the secret of all healing.
regardless of what the treatment may be.

The great secret of healing, therefore, is to change the mind
from a state of confusion, disorder and false action
into a state where the absolutely good is realized
to be real, omnipresent and eternal.

We should always think of the power of thought
as the one principal healing power.

Thought can change anything in the human system.

Pain or even severe disease
will disappear instantaneously
when consciousness is fully and completely
taken into another sphere of thought or action.

Any physical disease 
can be absolutely removed by the right thought,
provided there is enough power in that thought.

All diseases can be permanently removed
by training the subconscious to give a full and constant expression of health.

The subconscious mind...
having limitless power in every part of the body...
can readily banish any disease when properly directed to do so.

It is subjective thought that produces the change of mind;
and it is the change of mind that heals;
but whether the subjective thought is strong enough
to produce the necessary change of mind,
depends upon how much spiritual power the mind contains at the time.

Deeply desire the subconscious to fill every atom of your body
with added life and energy.

Imagine you are feeling this added energy come forth from within
and accumulating in every part of your system.

When these finer and more penetrating forces are fully awakened,
all that is necessary is to concentrate the mind
upon that part of the body that is not in health,
and to deeply desire health;
the finer forces of thought will penetrate that part of the body
and consume everything that is wrong.

Every unpleasant sensation in the physical system
can be removed by refining the vibrations
in those parts where the sensations are felt;
and the vibrations of any part of the system will be refined
when attention is concentrated upon the finer forces
that permeate those parts.

To remove physical pain or disease,
concentrate attention upon the finer consciousness
of that part of the body where the pain is felt.

Do not think of the body itself, nor the ailment,
but cause the mind to enter into the finer elements and finer forces
that permeate that part of the body where the adverse condition appears.

While in the attitude of concentration,
use the will in drawing all the forces of that part of the body 
into the finer vibrations,
and desire, with deep feeling,
to realize the health and the wholeness
of this finer life into which the mind has entered.

To control the finer forces of the system
is to control all the organs and functions of the system,
because it is the finer forces - also termed the subconscious forces -
that govern everything in the human system.

We cannot be in a condition of ill health
while we are in a state where all is well.

When the system is full of life and energy,
there can be no sickness,
any more than there can be darkness
in a room that is full of light.

As we are no longer in darkness when we enter the light,
we are no longer in sickness
when we enter absolute spiritual health.

There can be no disease in that which is spiritual.

It is the power of spirit that heals;
the spirit will heal whenever we enter into the spirit.

The moment we feel health and strength in the spirit of the body,
health and strength will begin to come forth;
the turn for the better will come that very hour;
if our faith is strong, we shall be restored instantaneously,
but in any event we will be made every whit whole.

Enter into the truth - into the very spirit of truth,
and you are healed absolutely.

Since spirit is health and wholeness,
perfect health and wholeness must manifest
wherever the power of the spiritual is expressed.

To place ourselves in the consciousness of the spiritual attitude
is the secret of the highest and most perfect form of healing.


Think health and talk health to yourself constantly.

Refuse to talk about disease or think about disease.

Think constantly that you are well
and never permit yourself to think anything to the contrary.

Fill the subconscious with every manner of with health,
and the subconscious will fill the body with every manner of health.

To be true to life is to be well.

There can be no sickness in the body
so long as we live in the life of health.

The stronger the mind becomes,
the stronger the body will become.

Any physical malady must eventually disappear
if we continue to hold in mind
a perfect picture of health and wholeness.

When the mind is full of health,
every cell in the body will possess health.

When the mind is perfectly well,
the body will also be perfectly well.

As the mind is, so is also the body,
therefore when the entire mentality,
conscious and subconscious,
is clean, strong, wholesome and well,
the entire body will also be well.

Think of yourself as being absolutely and permanently well.

When you know you can fill your body with absolute health,
you are no longer in bondage to disease.

Have faith in your own power
to produce and maintain perfect health.

I Am

The real man
is the soul or the individuality, the real "I Am."

The "I Am" is the very center of individuality.

"I Am" actually is the "real you" of your being.

Always think of the "I Am" as being you - the supreme you.

Whenever you think or act,
you should feel that you stand with the "I Am,"
at the apex of mentality on the very heights of your existence,
and you should at the same time,
realize that this "I Am" is you - the supreme you.

"I Am" occupies the throne of your entire field of consciousness.

It is the mind that occupies the throne
but the "I Am" is the power behind the throne.

"I Am" is the reigning power in your being.

Think of the "I Am"
as being the ruling principle of your whole world,
as being distinct and above and superior to all else in your being,
and as being you, yourself,
in the highest, largest, and most comprehensive sense.

Recognize the "I Am" as the ruling principle.

When the "I Am" exercises the function of rulership
anywhere in the human system,
will power is the result.

Realize that the "I Am" directs the mind
and that the power of the mind
directs and controls everything else in the human system.

The "I Am" lives constantly upon
the supreme heights of absolute self-mastery.

When we ascend in consciousness
so that we meet the presence of the I Am in us,
it is then that this wonderful influx of spiritual life
appears on our own being.

When we touch the I Am within ourselves,
we naturally receive the greater life of the I Am;
and we always touch the I Am within 
when we enter into the spiritual consciousness of the I Am.

The more deeply you penetrate into that state
the larger I Am becomes in your conscious understanding.

Whenever you can feel that you and the "I Am"
are one and the same,
then you are in absolute consciousness.

The I Am cannot live consciously without giving expression to life.

The eternal I Am is enthroned in the spiritual life of every individual soul.

The eternal "I Am" is in itself sufficient unto itself.

The eternal I Am is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

I am the way, and you are that "I Am."

"I Am" is the open door
to the limitless vastness of the spiritual universe.

Whoever will transcend personal consciousness
and enter into the consciousness of "I Am"
will enter that life that is not of this world,
and will gain that power that can overcome anything
that may exist in this world.

You have entered the spiritual world,
and "I Am" the door to that world;
you have risen to that supreme state of being
where you can say, in the spirit of eternal truth, "I Am",
and through the power of that truth you have overcome the world.

Be still and know that the eternal I Am is God.

"I Am" is God individualized in your being.

Be still and know that I Am God.

I Can

Keep constantly before mind
the idea that "he can who thinks he can."

Know that you can
and continue to think that you can.

Train the whole mind to think that you can.

Think you can with depth of feeling.

Awaken within yourself
the deep interior feeling that you can.

There is nothing that creates a greater draw 
upon the marvellous powers of the mind,
than the deep interior feeling that you can.

Proceed with the conviction that you can,
and continue unceasingly in that direction.

He should begin by thinking that he can,
and he should dwell upon that idea
until it takes positive hold
of every force and element in his mind.

When we think that we can,
we must enter into the very soul of that thought
and be throughly in earnest.

The attitude of "I can"
tends to place things in action.

The more fully convinced you are that you can,
the more of yourself that you apply.

Know that to think you can
is to develop the power that can.

He who thinks he can
develops the power that can.

When you are convinced that you can,
you give expression to all the power and talent
that is active within you.

When you actually think that you can,
and think so in the very spirit of that conviction,
there will be no doubts.

He who thinks he can needs no encouragement.
He knows what he is and knows what he can do.

He positively will reach the goal
if he continues to think that he can.

To him who thinks he can
everything is an opportunity.

It is remarkable what you can do when you think you can.

I Will

I will become more than I am.

I will live to live more.

I will achieve more and more each day
because I know that I can.

I will think only of that which has virtue and worth.

I will speak to give encouragement, inspiration and joy.

I will work to be of service to an ever increasing number.


We cannot discern the ideal until we have the power to make it real.

The mind never discerns those ideals
that are beyond the possibility of present development.

When you discern an ideal
you discover something that lies in your own onward path.

The ideals you see are in your own path,
and can be reached by you.

To see an ideal
indicates that the ideal is within your reach ready for you to possess
if you press forward steadily and surely until the goal is reached.

We have an undeveloped correspondent in ourselves
to every ideal we may discern.

You are the ideal side of yourself;
the actual or external side of yourself 
is only a partial expression of the ideal or true self.

To make real the ideal,
the first essential is to remove from consciousness
the gulf that seems to exist
between present attainment and the greater possibilities.

We must never recognize the gulf that seems to exist
between our present state and the state we desire to reach.

To remove the seeming gulf from mind,
turn attention not only upon the ideal you desire to reach,
but try to see the ideal of yourself as well.

The ideal cannot come down to you;
ideals never move that way;
but you can go up to your idea,
and that is the true way for you to move.

Have an ideal, and the highest that you can picture.
Then worship it every hour with your whole soul.
Never come down and do not neglect it for a moment.

It is not only necessary to have ideals,
it is also necessary to make real our ideals.

Have an ideal, the highest ideal you can picture.

Have an ideal and live for it every second of your existence.

We should picture before us
the most refined state of the ideal that we can possibly conceive,
and keep this picture before us constantly
with the deep desire to make it real.

Dream constantly of the ideal;
work ceaselessly to perfect the real.

Think of the ideal, live for the ideal
and work for the ideal at all times,
knowing that the ideal is real in its own sublime world,
and that it can be made real in the tangible world.

The more distinctly the mind discerns the ideal,
the more frequently the ideal is brought directly before the actions of attention
the more will the mind think of the ideal;
and the mind invariably moves towards that which we think of the most.

We must make that ideal so active within our own minds
that it produces full and constructive action
in those powers of the mind or personality that can produce,
in the outer world, what we have pictured in the ideal world.

To affirm constantly the ideal
is to train the mind to think the ideal,
and to think the ideal is to make real the ideal.

If we want to realize the ideal,
we must become ideal
and be able to express the ideal in every form and manner.

To make real the ideal,
the principle is to make everything in your life
more and more like the ideal.

If we wish to reach our ideals in the world of achievement,
we must develop greater ability, capacity and power.

The ideal has a positive drawing power
towards the higher, the greater, the superior.

The true idealist gives conscious recognition only to the power of good.

To make real the ideal,
proceed to develop greatness, superiority and high worth in yourself.

We have an undeveloped correspondent in ourselves
to every ideal we may discern.

You are the ideal side of yourself;
the actual or external side of yourself 
is only a partial expression of the ideal or true self.

Coupled with our desire for the ideal,
we must have an equally strong desire
for the remaking of ourselves
so that we may become equal to that ideal in every respect.

Whatever a man's ideals may demand,
he can gradually change himself
and modify his nature to correspond.

You steadily and surely become in the real
what you constantly and clearly think that you are in the ideal.

Act in the real as you feel you are in the ideal.

The ideal becomes real only when characteristics of the ideal
are acted out in the real.

To live in the same world as your ideal,
you must become like your ideal.

Proceed to remake yourself in the likeness of that ideal
and it will become your own.

The very moment you begin to rebuild yourself
in the exact likeness of your ideal,
you will begin to realize your ideal.

The very moment you being to develop the personal self
into the likeness of the ideal self,
the ideal life will begin to become real in the personal life.

You will realize as much of your ideal now
as you develop in yourself now.

You will realize your ideal
when you become exactly like your ideal.

When we attain the ideal and beautiful in our own natures,
we shall meet the ideal and beautiful
wherever we may go in the world.